contest April is Ramen Challenge

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What the hell is goin on here?
Ramen time is gettin near.
You all be bustin out with rhymes
All the while committin crimes.

I ai'nt tryin to be part of this movie,
You know the one, 8 Mile... groovy.
When it comes time, ya'll ai'nt gonna shine,
The Ramen crown will be mine this time.

Yeah I said it, Mine all mine.
So if you dare, hell I don't care,
Bring it to kitchen, don't wanna hear yo bitchen

When I school y'all punk bitches,
I'll be laughin myseff into Stitches,
When the Ramen crown is awarded
You know I can't be thwarted.

So this is my love story, From me to y'all
You'll be mad and hatin me until next Fall.
One thing you know is true tho,
I ain't lyin here at ALL!
SL- You know I still love you......

But you better bring a body bag for your ramen recipe cuz I am gonna kill it with my kick a$$ ramen sh!t........
You too J,
You ain't exempt.
This Ramen Crown is mine
"do not attempt"

Yeah you went to college,
Aquired some Ramen knowlege,
But this boy's from the streets,
Can you handle defeat?

You're my bro,
But you got to go
I'm commin HARD
With some Bacon and Lard.

Just wait you'll see,
But for now...
I gots ta pee.
This ain't no battle rap
Put on yer night cap and take a nap
Before you get slapped
Arm bar you make you tap you Fing tiara wearin sap

My lyrics are gold
its 5 card stud.. you fold
I'll put you out in the cold
I should put that in :BOLD:

Soon my shit will be on google
SD's playin wit his poodle
Feelin frugal
Grab a piece of papper and doodle

I got this TD on lock
My ramen will put you shock
Can't talk, JayT busy jerkin in a sock

TB sittin like a blob
Smart like a door knob
Chewin on a corn cobb
Gettin beat by a ramen lynch mob

Poor wheebz
Bootsie gave him a disease
Its easy to see your STD's
From the florida keys

But my ramen is yo remedy
Quit tremblin, resemblin
Bear on halloween
Have you seen Paulky the teen queen
Chewin a bean

You too J,
You ain't exempt.
This Ramen Crown is mine
"do not attempt"

Yeah you went to college,
Aquired some Ramen knowlege,
But this boy's from the streets,
Can you handle defeat?

You're my bro,
But you got to go
I'm commin HARD
With some Bacon and Lard.

Just wait you'll see,
But for now...
I gots ta pee.

Oh boy. You know if I had had that sock a month ago I wouldn't be out buying pickles and ice cream right now...
SL- You know I still love you......

But you better bring a body bag for your ramen recipe cuz I am gonna kill it with my kick a$$ ramen sh!t........


Scovie she started it....... I wasn't gonna smacky talk my fellow PNW Pack. I was being nice to my PNW fam!

I just couldn't believe no one else picked up on the "crown in the bag" comment. I even waited a few days to see if someone would. How about you and I share that "crown" and let the ramen do the talkin' for the rest of it?
Awww, kitty's playin nice now? BS.
Megan, you should hear what SL said about you, and
SL, you should hear what Megan said about you.

Awww yeeeaaaaah
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