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ARGH!! Once again....

Had a storm today and ONCE AGAIN... some damage ARGHHHH!!
I went outside to check them after the rain stopped and all
looked good.Checked the Bonnet and it seemed odd but it
was just leaning due to soil shift..built a little mound
around stem bingo ok.The I get to the Fatalli all looked
good except 1 nice limb with pods and sure enough it was
cracking off the main stem (well the stump after earlier damage)
I start thinking(insert extreme cursing here) Not Again!!
So with half a yardstick some cloth I got it propped back up
nice and snug double reenforced it and Bingo I think I can save it.:) Just getting tired of all this sh*t :lol:
Yep H.P.F.F It drives you nuts doesn't it..think the wind has been the worst this summer..sick of having to constantly reprop my plants back up..hey lets hope the worsts over ;)
Yep Talas I agree,driving me crazy!! And its almost September
and Gunner will be 8 months the 8th of Sept which means come Sept 15th its Bird Season and (hopefully) from the 15th of Sept
thru late Oct there will be plenty ( again hopefully) of birds
on the table to use some of the plants seasonings sauces etc to use on em.So come mid Sept,the plants are on their own, Its Puppy's
Time :lol::lol::)
The wind got a few here too both flowers and peppers, the poor Aji Limon lost 3 branches full of green peppers so I am trying to let them ripen in the house. Two last branches left on the plant, leaning like crazy bu8t still growing so hopefully they will make it. I've had enough wind for a while.

I also had some wind damage to a Fatalli due to Fay. My Fatalli branches are much longer and thus makes them very weak in a storm. I have counted over 10 inches of rain here in the least week because of Fay. Sorry to hear of your losses due to all the storms this summer HPFF, maybe move the plants next year where they might be more protected from the wind.
I really feel for you guys at the moment.

I have been watching the international weather reports and Fay isn't being kind, nor has most of your season.

It makes me really appreciate the weather I get here. We had a little bit of a wet season last year but all in all we have it pretty good...
To protect the peppers plant from the wind it will work little better for you for example I plant all tomatoes plant around & plant the peppers in raised bed inside so when tomato grow out abouth six feet they naturaly protect the peppers plant from wind like you plant forest that might help you little also I plant the marigold plant between the tomatos because tomato like merigold also merigold is like repelent some bugs don't like it but attract lot of bees so they polinate the plants better that way that what I'm doing every year have no problem kill two flies with one shoot.Less bugs my friend!!!!!!! Good luck!!!!!!!
Thanks everyone!! Seems like everyone has had some sort of weather problems!!Fay has been a real b*tch from what Ive been
seeing on the news.I really dont have any place that would be
wind safe but I know this....Next year cages and stakes :lol:
I check out the cracked limb today and it didnt look good all
wilted badly so I poured a little water on the crack and some into the soil nothing improved...until around 6 after dinner
went out it was back to normal:) and 1 of the pods has started
turning orange woooohoooooo:lol:
915river said:
To protect the peppers plant from the wind it will work little better for you for example I plant all tomatoes plant around & plant the peppers in raised bed inside so when tomato grow out abouth six feet they naturaly protect the peppers plant from wind like you plant forest that might help you little also I plant the marigold plant between the tomatos because tomato like merigold also merigold is like repelent some bugs don't like it but attract lot of bees so they polinate the plants better that way that what I'm doing every year have no problem kill two flies with one shoot.Less bugs my friend!!!!!!! Good luck!!!!!!!

HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
Thanks everyone!! Seems like everyone has had some sort of weather problems!!Fay has been a real b*tch from what Ive been
seeing on the news.I really dont have any place that would be
wind safe but I know this....Next year cages and stakes :lol:
I check out the cracked limb today and it didnt look good all
wilted badly so I poured a little water on the crack and some into the soil nothing improved...until around 6 after dinner
went out it was back to normal:) and 1 of the pods has started
turning orange woooohoooooo:lol:

Like the idea with the tomatoes and marigolds as windbreakers and helping pollintion..a damn good one ;)

Glad to see your pods turing..perhaps you and gunner will get away in time.
Thanks Talas.Actually Gunner has been making a really nice spot for an inground garden!:lol: The little digger!! Next season I
will (attempt to at least) make a space for inground plants (mato's and a few Chile's) and still have my 10 potted plants.
At least thats the plan:lol:
HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
Had a storm today and ONCE AGAIN... some damage ARGHHHH!!
I went outside to check them after the rain stopped and all
looked good.Checked the Bonnet and it seemed odd but it
was just leaning due to soil shift..built a little mound
around stem bingo ok.The I get to the Fatalli all looked
good except 1 nice limb with pods and sure enough it was
cracking off the main stem (well the stump after earlier damage)
I start thinking(insert extreme cursing here) Not Again!!
So with half a yardstick some cloth I got it propped back up
nice and snug double reenforced it and Bingo I think I can save it.:) Just getting tired of all this sh*t :lol:

I had a small potted plant laying on it's side when I came home. It was just my very sick plant though so I wasn't to bummed. It didn't break any stems or anything like that though. I think that was from the wind and storms that came through around here when I was gone this weekend.
rabbit said:
I had a small potted plant laying on it's side when I came home. It was just my very sick plant though so I wasn't to bummed. It didn't break any stems or anything like that though. I think that was from the wind and storms that came through around here when I was gone this weekend.

Rabbit,Shame on you for leaving your plants all ALONE!!! :lol:
Kidding. It has been a screwy year though!!
HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
Rabbit,Shame on you for leaving your plants all ALONE!!! :lol:
Kidding. It has been a screwy year though!!

It's Michigan. If you don't like the weather.....wait a minute and it will change;).........sound familiar??:lol::lol:
rabbit said:
It's Michigan. If you don't like the weather.....wait a minute and it will change;).........sound familiar??:/QUOTE]
Well that is so true for this years weather :lol::lol:
The one branch seems to get wilted daily but perks back
up around 6 or 7 pm everyday plus pods are ripening so
it should be ok!! Rabbit Labor Day Monday I will wave
at you as I pass Wixom on my way to LK Chemung :lol:
HotPeppersFlyFishing;102226][QUOTE=rabbit said:
It's Michigan. If you don't like the weather.....wait a minute and it will change;).........sound familiar??:/QUOTE]
Well that is so true for this years weather :lol::lol:
The one branch seems to get wilted daily but perks back
up around 6 or 7 pm everyday plus pods are ripening so
it should be ok!! Rabbit Labor Day Monday I will wave
at you as I pass Wixom on my way to LK Chemung :lol:
Cool. Glad to know I'm remembered lol. I know where Lake Chemung is. I used to icefish there alot, but now the fishing is crap there through the ice. Pretty much just a bunch of perch I could use for bait.lol Also, congrats on your ripening pods man. Sure sounds good to me........I'm still waiting A few should be ripening this week, but..........still waiting.
My sis and bro in law have a cottage out there.Havent been out in a few yrs.Gonna see if Gunner is a swimmer :lol: as
far as the plants 10 plants countless pods 4 fatalli's ripening
1 hab 1 tabasco its frustrating:lol: naga plant has huge pods
none ripening :(:lol:
oh side note everytime g/f comes over see looks at the tabasco plant as says "this plant is pissing me off" lol
I say why she says "nothing is ripening" lol