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EDIT:  Beaten to the punch.

My favorite beverage is water, honestly.  I drink more of it than anything else.

You rub a lamp, a genie appears, and he tells you he will grant you 3 wishes.  What would they be?
1) Want to live in company of the most beautiful women (108 of them) in a golden home with all the riches and servants and unlimited food of choice for the next 1000 years
2) above with multiplied by 1000 times
3) Get me 100 more similar genies to grant me wishes.

Am I being greedy?
Never ending youth, Preferably age 30.
Never ending riches
and a year round garden of my favorite hot peppers
what are you going to do with my empty genie lamp?
lucky_x16 said:
Never ending youth, Preferably age 30.
Never ending riches
and a year round garden of my favorite hot peppers

Thanks for straight answers

Ya find a few hundred bucks in an old pair of pants. What ya gonna buy? No paying bills this is spendin cash.
I'd go on vacation with that. If there's not enough I'd just pay what's missing with money I already have.
Would you rather have a Lamborgini that has the performances of an old rusty car, or an old rusty car that has the performances of a Lamborgini?
I'd take the old rusty car in a heartbeat.  Performance trumps aesthetics, IMO.

If you could move anywhere in the world, where would you go???
I would move out into the southwest most likely. I like the drier climate and it would make for a wonderful place for a hot pepper farm!
Given the choice of being given a million dollars you had to spend within a week or being given a hundred dollars each week for the rest of your life, which would you choose and why?
I would take the million, pay off my house, buy a new car, get some new toys, and dedicate the rest of the money towards establishing a non-profit organization working with underprivileged and at risk youth... If I took $100 a week for life, it would take almost 200 years to reach the same amount.  Taking the lump sum, even if I had to spend all of it in a week, would be the smarter move long term, especially if the end result is an organization that will contribute something positive in this world for many years to come.

What would you do if you were given the same choice???
I caught a few pounds of smoked salmon at the Pike Place Market once.
Does that count?

For me it was a striper in the 15 lb range

Ya have to babysit three 5 year olds. Where are you gonna take them to keep them happy?
Video games.  I've been playing them since I was only 3 years old, and I will never be able to stop.

What is the one bad habit you wish you could break yourself of???