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Ah. Good question. I do NOT try to find the owner. Who walks around with a bag of hundred dollar bills? I don't think I'd be sympathetic to them losing it. I'm assuming 300 $100 bills would fit into a bag like that. I'd donate 15% to a nonprofit of my choice & put the rest towards land.

Biggest fear?
Financial failure

Your best friend stupidly gets caught up in something that could put him in prison for life. You are aware of the problem. What do you do about it?
Warn him of his stupidity, try to talk some sense into him and if that sadly doesn't work stir clear of them so you do not affect you and your family. It's difficult for some to swallow but a necessity. I wish some friends from 30+ years ago heeded this advice.
Do you think the Bengals can make the Super Bowl ?
No. And you're not going to want to hear this but they may not make the playoffs. If they lose to Denver & the Steelers, they'Re out right? Might not happen. I think they lose to the Broncos but beat Steelers.

...as a Panthers fan, yeah, I can't talk too much trash about anyone else's team.

Should I move to a house with a little more area to grow (1.5 acres with half sunny) & is a mile from the school I teach at & where my 5th grade daughter will attend from now until graduating high school? Current commuTE is 25 minutes. ...or should I wait until the perfect house on 2-5 acres opens up? Bear in mind, I hate moving.
I say take advantage of the smaller for now and keep your dream in mind for later. The step will better your chances at the better when the time comes. Good investment.

Are you one to go with the flow or are you a trail blazer?
Blaze trails though the trails don't always lead where I want them. Good chance we'll pull the trigger on that house (above). I measured it out today- well over 12,000 square feet of backyard space (1/4 acre) that will be sunny. House is a mile from where I teach & where my daughter will go to school for the next 7.5 yrs. Like the house more than one we're in. Hate moving though.

How was prom?
Glad to hear about the house.
Prom was not for me (80s). I was more interested in fishing untill I met college girls.

Any plans for New Years Eve?
"Took" the kids into the city to watch the 9:30pm fireworks with a picnic dinner, then back home to watch the new year fireworks from my balcony.

(Happy New Year)

What did you do?
3:19 pm 12/31/2014

I took the day off. I've been playin in the dirt, doin laundry, surfin the internet, chillin. Gonna hit the SAKE tonight (don't like bubbly). Fire in the fireplace. Ass in the Lazyboy. I'm thinkin burgers for dinner.

Have any fresh pods?
I do, but I have few ripe pods. Just starting to get stuck in to them now.

Are you looking forward to your next grow season?
My plant numbers more than doubled this year, and my species list was out of control. Bloody THP has turned me into a chilli addict!

Which single species would you grow every year without fail.
I would have to say Rocoto. They overwinter here easily in the garden with no special care needed, and are ready to go again next season well before any early starts I may have.

What does Sake taste like?
Like most booze discribing the flavor is tough because very little to compare it to. I like the fact that it is warmed up. The buzz is better for me. Other hard drink is just to harsh tasting and burns to much going down. Sake is smoother. I also enjoy beer, but really am not much of a drinker.

What is your adult drink of choice?
Hopefully I'll have a bumper crop of Chillies with enough to freeze, powder, flake and turn into sauce. Then I'll look forward to my early starts much wiser than before. 
What will you do differently in 2015?