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No, my guns are kinda hard to conceal.....

Oh, you mean chilli...Lol.

No, and being on vacation without packing any heat is tough. Asking for extra chilli in every meal just doesn't cut it.

What powders do you like best?
Joyner sent m what he called smoked pain that is awesome. I make a hab thai mix. I do like the smokey.

Hey, what's your favorite fish to eat?
Rymerpt said:

Favorite fish to eat
Shorerider said:
King George Whiting. If you ever get the chance to try it you'll understand. Also one of the hardest fish to stalk whilst spearfishing and one hellofa fighter.

Your favorite fish to eat?
Next question?  :P
Which 4 NFL teams would you like to win this weekend? (Panthers, Ravens, Broncos, Packers for me... unless Panthers actually win. Then I'll be a reluctant Cowboys fan. Rather play them in a dome than Packers at Lambeau.)
Shorerider said:
Next question?  :P

Kinda wondered if id asked that yet. Old brain.

I'm notmuch of a football fan but the wife likes the Stealers and her brother is a Colts fan.

Ever made a sauce using powder instead of fresh?
Yes, my last few sauces have all been with store bought (for shame) powder . I'm hoping to have a bumper crop this season so it doesn't happen again. I find the heat to behave differently when compared to fresh. Fresh is best IMHO.
How do you process your chilli?
I either freeze or de-stem nd put them right onto the dehydrator. Once dehydrated I keep some whole ad poder the rest. I also use fresh in pickling. I add at least one per jar of pickles. I have made pickled peppers, but not as much as pickled cucumber dills W/heat. I use the powder on everything and also make some spice mixes. Mexican and asian. I also have done a habanero thai mix. I always tend to fall back to the habs. When I find them at a good price I'll buy two or three pounds and dry it all.

I have not fermented sauce yet. Is it really worth the wait?
I haven't tried it yet either, but I will one day. 
What's the deal with giving tips (money for service types) in the US?
15% is the general rule. Its still optional, so only if they deserve it. Its often most of their pay so I tend to tip often.

Any big plans for the weekend?
Just woke up after nightshift at work, and I'll be making some Biltong as soon as I get out of bed. Tomorrow(Sunday), I have no idea what I'll be doing.

Have you started your plants yet?
Ohhhh need to do some jerky. I have not made it in a while. I use seasoning from Cabelas.

Does yours last? Mine is always eaten within hours.
My first lot weighed 2.5kg undried and lasted about 3 weeks. This lot weighed 3.7kg undried, so should last maybe 4 weeks.  :halo:
Why not Make your own seasoning? 
I have not made jerky sense I began my journey into the world of superhot peppers. Its on my list of things to do. I'm sure I could rock it, but have not tried yet.

Do you do just beef or will other meats work as well?
Well, I've only made two lots of Biltong to date (see above link). Apparently Biltong is easier to make too. I used Topside beef, but rump or silverside will also work as all these cuts have a lower fat content. Given this, Venison and other game meats also turn out well. Give it a try.......
Do you hunt?
No. Fish though.

Yea I wasn't thinkin. I've had venison and bufalow jerky.
I've been wantin to make some. Need to work it onto the grocery list. I like to use the precut stuff they have for carne asada. That way I don't need to mess with it. Just marinate and dry.

Do you have a decent dehydrator? Mine is cheapy, but works great.
No, as it is summer here at the moment, I am able to get away with just letting it air dry in my shed as the air is quite dry in southern Australia.
What do you use your dehydrator for? 
I use it mostly for peppers. I have made jerky. I have done some fruit. Mostly just pepper though. I love habenero powder and have lots of it. I also have bunches of dried thai. I wish I had a smoker. Smoked pepper powder is awesome. I won some "smoked pain" from Joyner that is REALLY GOOD.

I bought my dehydrator for about 35 bucks. Are you thinking of getting one?