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Fewer plants. All plants in 5 gal buckets.
I have a ton going right now. Its a contest between them. I will cull the best of the best. All the others will be given away to friends.

Do you believe that a bigger pot = bigger plant?
I do most of my growing in my garden, but I do have a few pots. I have found that my chillies do better in my garden than in a pot. So I would say that a larger size pot would definitely help. 
Look behind you, what do you see? 
Not really a breakfast person, but I'll definitely brew me a nice cappuccino though.
What's your favorite breakfast? 
Wow, I could go on and on. I love a good begals and lox with cream cheese, capers, and onion. I'm also a huge fan of biscuts and gravy. My favorite breakfast would have to be one that is a huge buffet style that has been done up by chefs that really know what they are doing. When I find that I just wallow in it like a pig being fattened for slaughter. I'm a breakfast foodie. Hell, I'm a food foodie.

I saw a video of a guy ridding a really long zipline. Have you ever done anything "extream"?
Well, I rode Downhill mountain bikes for about 10 years. Rode all sorts of ridiculous terrain and man made obstacles. Good times...
Now I'm into freedive/spearfishing. Less apparent danger, but I've had a few "interesting" encounters. A few with big 3 meter wide Stingrays, and a few with sharks. I've had a tug of war with a 2 meter Wobbegong shark over one of my fish, and had a 2.5 meter Blue shark cruise past me. But then there was that time I got approached by two inquisitive Dolphins, most memorable experience to date.
What was your closest near death experience? 
Ruptured apendix freshman year in highschool. Felt like shit them it bursst and felt better. Poison throughout my insides were covered and in need of quite a cleanout. Saw God, she is beautiful.

Are the sharks as big a problem as we are lead to believe?
No, not at all. I'm the sure many more sharks have seen me without my knowledge. The big Stingrays are more of a problem, just like seagulls wanting to steal your hot chips. 
What annoys you?
Just had a Mexicana pizza with extra chilli. Ha, what a joke. Wasn't hot at all, but I was at a restaurant so had to make do with what I had.
Do you carry a personal stash of heat?
Well, I don't really have one which is why I ventured into making my own and haven't looked back. 
The best one I have bought though was "Saucy Sista sweet chilli" which I found to be rather hot for a sweet chilli sauce. She sells at a FM.
What traits, besides heat, do you like best in a sauce in order of preference? 
No extract
Imediatly thinking "this would be good on_______"

Have you ever tried a sauce and ended up drinking most of the bottle before it made it to the food?
I make my sauces, as I've found few I like. Having said that, I have found some of my sauces "good" on first taste,  then "amazing" after a bit of aging. I recently opened up the last bottle of a pineapple/strawberry sauce after almost 4 months, and it is fantastic! I've used 1/2 the bottle in a few days.
What do you put heat into that probably shouldn't have it?
PBJs.  Sometimes I'll add 1/2 teaspoon of ghost pepper powder to the mix to give my sandwich a little kick.

What is the worst hot sauce you have ever had the misfortune of trying???
One of Blairs that had extract. Taste sucked and heat was stupid. Extract makes the sauce taste chemically altered.

What makes up a good sauce for you?
I like an initial sweetness, followed by notes of Chilli, gradually building heat, and complexity in taste. I'll take taste over extreme heat any day.

Do you like sweet sauces?
I put most of my (own) sauces on meats like roast chicken, roast beef, roast lamb, steaks and sausages. Most other things I'll add powders or flakes. 
Is sauce the source of all your heat, or do you add other things specifically for the given meal?
I tend to powder more than sauce. I love it in Soups, on eggs, on apple slices, added to a chicken dish. I carry powder when I go out for Pho (Vietmamese noodle soup).

Do you pack heat in public?