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T-bone because, well, bone-in :drooling: but rib eye or porterhouse on their own are more than acceptable too. Yeah... I'm a huge fan of tender.
Do you like lamb?
Don't do seafood with the exception of certain fish sometimes. Barramundi is nice. And sockeye salmon... :drooling: But yeah, generally fish is fish to me.
Is sockeye salmon "seafood"? Like, it's one type of salmon that spends time in the ocean, right? 'Cause some don't or something, right? (you can see how much I know about seafood... :lol:)
Not really, just seem to be so busy these days! Piles of stuff I would like to get into, though, especially food related stuff. I would like to grow more than just peppers and the odd bits and pieces that I already do, start making my own foods from scratch, like, bread, butter, that kinda stuff... and other stuff too... would like to start bee-keeping even, you name it. But alas! Where do I find the time??
Although, have been heavily into making my own yogurt and getting into other cultured dairy too, so I guess I got that going as a "hobby".
Are you into yogurt?
"Natural" I guess you would say. I use a basic ABC culture starter whereas I think greek yogurt uses additional or different bacterias. My yogurt is also usually very thin. I use straight up milk with no thickeners whatsoever... except cream on some occasions but that's more of a flavour thing. I also never, ever use homogenized milk, which I think also affects thickness, but don't care to be honest. That shit wreaks havoc on my guts and I want nothing to do with it. Paseurized I can tolerate in small amounts, and especially moreso when turned into yogurt. Real yogurt is a special thing.
The process of making yogurt is actually quite simple too. Pretty much take your milk, bring to boil point (helps thicken), cool to around 40C--maybe a tad under, transfer to your "pot" (jar or whatever), add your culture (either a commercial starter or already active yogurt... whatever tickles you), incubate around the same temp for 12-24 hours (keeping a close eye on it after the 12hr mark--don't wanna over culture it!), put in fridge for 24hrs and voila!
Oh yeah, and also been experimenting with infusions lately. Vanilla bean, spices (cinnamon, etc), that kind of stuff.... mmmmmm.
Have you ever had kefir?
We adopted our daughter from Russia when she was 7 months old. Kefir was at least 50% of all she ate in the orphanage. Once she left, she wouldn't touch the stuff. Haha.

Fruity desserts or chocolate, caramel, peanut butter, vanilla, etc desserts?
I keep lots of fish tanks, though not really sure if that counts as weird. I have a shrimp tank, reef tank and another planted tank with just some shrimp culls and a few african dwarf frogs. 
What's the worst thing you've caught your dog eating?
The dog and I like to put on our yellow speedos lather ourselves in peanutbutter and watch puppy porn.

What is your weirdest hobby/interest/fetish?
Well, it's super weird and kinda awkward to talk about but... wait... no, no... you win. :shocked:
Your dream signature dish, something you might not have the skill to cook right now but one day you'll master... and you just know you will be known for it?
I don't really have one, but I'm sure it would be asain in nature, contain copious amounts of sashimi, contain king crab, oysters on the half shell, and finish with a high level of heat. A large Sapporo and a good warm sake would accompany.

So, if you had unlimited cash flow would you eat youself silly on the best food out there?
Yes, yes, yes!
I already have this compulsion to the seek the best I can possibly find, invest quite a bit of $$$ too, I tell you that. But good food is good food. I have no regrets.
Unlimited cash flow, though, wow, that would certainly help things immensely. ;)
Is there any food item in your kitchen that you willingly spend heaps of $$$ on, because it's the best, and you do what you gotta do, and won't have it any other way?
That's a tough one. I'm always broke. I would have to say butter. Real butter is a MUST. if I had the funds though I would have the best olive oil, the best basomic vinegar, the best EVERYTHING. I guess that's what heaven will be like.

Do you have a favorite kitchen knife?
8" henckel twin cuisine. An old chef friend gave it to me, she said it was to heavy for use at the restaurant.
Carnitas or Carne Azada?