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Summer of 1968 Robbers caves in north corner of Oklahoma. Me and my best friend Brian were chatting up two older girls(10 years old). Me and my friend were eight and just finding out we like girls better than fishing. One girl asked if we would like to get high. Neither one of us had seen pot much less smoked but we were up for the task. That first high, first real kiss(mom doesn't count),and the beach well I don't think anything else defined me. Served in the military, raised a family, and led a long good life but that one moment I will remember forever. Can't help but wonder how different my life would be without that kiss and smoke. If I had to do it again I wouldn't change a thing. Went back home a changed man and lol can't even tell ya the girls name

Anyone else want to go back in time?
Flint....ex military former boy scout goes without saying....sure sucks on a rainy night when your cold,wet,and hungry...

Ya ever surf? Saw an old sixties surfing show today
No no no stupid. Sometimes they smell a bit like tuna, but if it tastes like tuna throw it back. Its gone bad.
Sugar and spice and everything nice. Voice like the coo of a dove, breath soft and flowery. Just the thought of her congers up visions of fields of wild flowers and white pillowy clouds. Taste like tuna? Nope, I think not.

So does a tuna taste like people?
No humans have a high salt content and if not slow cooked can dry out quick like buffalo. Best in stew.......

What's your favorite fish to eat ? Mines flathead catfish but I still go to all ya can eat channel catfish(2nd choice)
My dog. He is my hero, he makes me smile every day. Fucker got hit by a car friday. $600 at the vet and a bottle of dog dilaudid and he's on the mend. Not sure what I would do without him.
Whats your favorite fishing rod?
I called a cactus a butthole (clean version) once when I was "attacked" by it, does that count?

What is your favorite chain restaurant?
My electronic leash. Gotta keep connected.

You're on a desert island... You can bring one spice with you to cook with. Choose your weapon!