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Naw, to fat for that stuff. Besides I hear the locals are mostly ugly and in need of clothes. On the other hand I wouldnt need sunscreen my belly shades it.

As a restarant guy when you order chicken and eggs which comes first.
Exwifes being near........

Why does America spend more money on the military than on education ?

Make sense to be smart enough to not fight......
Gotta meet you Ben. Also wanna meet Hogleg. Id better stop because I might forget someone. Truth is everyone here is topnotch and I would love to meet all of ya.

THP is better than Saturday morning cartoons. Wouldn't you agree?
Nope, not here. I am in Ohio right now on family business. It is fairly cool, but ungodly humid. Can't wait to be back in the Wyoming desert.

Is patience a virtue?
No. You can have low moral standards ( redneck ) and still have the patience to wait for days in a row waiting for the right deer to come by so they can kill it.......

Need someone to run to the liquor store...I got the money - who has the ride ?
Never had any trouble with the law, but I make a mean SOS.

Why do folks think jail time is like a badge of honor? I would also like to know why being a "pimp" is a good thing? WTF
I don't get it either. There is a lot I don't understand the reasons behind why people do certain things or think they are cool or should be celebrated. Some people are just evil and enjoy bringing pain and sorrow to other people for their own selfish benefit.

OK, prison food talk. You're on death row. What is your last meal?
Steak and potato maybe chilli over it with a side of corn. I get the badge of honor thing. Survived military, prison, and marriage. The hardest by far was marriage and what didn't kill me made me stronger.

Ever faced death ?
Thought id watch some porn, spank my monkey, soak in an epsom salt bath, read through THP, then just chill.

Gonna blow shit up?
What do you think?!? I got some blue thunder roman candle, a box called a HOOT&HOLLER, chirping orioles, thunder rockets, half brick of thunder bombs, and a blue fiery dragon #5 for the finally
Watcha got?
Hydrogen balloons

Seventh grade was quite a time for Bill and I. We were bused to Buckeye junior High School while our new junior high was being built. This was a bit of a change. We had just come out of elementary school and being bused all the way up the hill was quite an adventure. The school year was divided by our being re-bused to the nearly finished Camerado Springs Junior High School. There was no multipurpose room for us to have our lunches in. We all squatted or sat in the grass of the hill out back of the school. There was even a “smoking tree” for those students that had succumbed to the habit. This was a whole new
environment for us. We now had to move from class to class and teacher to teacher as the day progressed. One of these teachers was the chemistry teacher Mr. Yocum. He taught with a bit of a flare and was able to keep our seventh
grade minds from wondering too far off subject. One of the experiments that Mr. Yocum showed us was the recipe for making hydrogen. He had us mix up just enough to occupy the very end of a test tube and make a pop when lit. Bill,
however, had other plans. Bill carefully jotted down the ingredients for making up this mixture and soon was hard at work at home trying to increase its potential. I can vividly remember being talked into joining his master plan to make hydrogen balloons. The mixture caused a reaction that made the beaker hot. With this in mind we used a large wash basin filled with ice water to cool it
down. Our beaker was an old soda bottle and my hands were adorned with big black rubber gloves. The chemical was placed at the bottom of the soda bottle and a little water was poured into the bottle. With the bottle submerged three quarters in the ice water the final component, an aluminum foil ball, was dropped down the neck of the bottle. Just as soon as the foil hit the chemical
mixture the whole reaction began. It began to bubble, it began to get hot, Bill rushed to adhere a balloon to the top of the bottle. After just a couple failed tries
we had a bouquet of melon sized hydrogen balloons. “Let’s light um,” suggested Bill. We took one and lit the string and let it float away. Nothing happened. After thinking for a bit we came up with a better plan. We attached a strip of paper towel to another balloon and let it go. It floated about fifteen to twenty feet over our heads before it exploded. IT WAS Awesome. We did this over the next
few weeks hoping the neighbors wouldn’t freak. Bill must have got a little bored with this because the next thing I remember he was suggesting we up the recipe and fill a garbage bag full of hydrogen. I thought this was nuts. Bill did, however, manage to create a large black garbage bag hydrogen balloon. To this zeppelin he taped a “return to sender” note. To my surprise, weeks later he got
a letter from a guy in Utah that had found the balloon in a field. I know, I had a hard time believing that myself. COOL HUH?

I think I can remember the recipe. Interested?
Please share. I'm sure others would enjoy it!
My brother in law (sister's husband) and I made a hydrogen still using MRE heater packs (they give off hydrogen). Probably far more elaborate than needed, but it resulted in many great times fillings up both party balloons and 55 gallon trash can liners. Our preferred method for ignition was to tie the "balloons" to a string and run the string through an anchored eye bolt with a candle or other ignition source at the bottom. Simply pull string by backing up to a safe distance, thus lowering the balloon onto the flame. BLAMMO!!! My brother in law used this many times for special effects in church when teaching the kiddos. We also used the hydrogen in a creation he made that he called a "thermal racquetball accelerator", which was a 5 gallon water jug (the big blue heavy duty plastic ones you flip upside down) filled with hydrogen that had a racquetball shoved into the top and an electric ignition source. So much power that we rarely ever found the racquetballs afterwards.
Since it came up in another thread, do you vote for the red or the blue or other?