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Haha, I had both the other day, huh Rob?

Tough one. Cap'n Crunch or Fruity Pebbles would rank right up there. Now, I'll take a quality granola.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do?
Naw be original and sing Day-o near the bananas at the grocery.(wife and I did at Costco)

Do you have the balls to make an ass outa yourself in public ON PURPOSE?
You bet! I take every opportunity to mess with people's heads! Ruben at EpicFiveTV is my hero!

Do you use the 5 second rule?
Yea most of the time. As an exterminator I figure with all of my exposure to chemicals a little dirt ain't gonna hurt me. Besides I paid good moneyfor that I'll be damned if I'm gonna throw it away.

Grandmas always cook the best food. What did yours cook best?
Habanero level for me too. In fact this might be the last year for me growing superhots. I get more use out of my yellow Thai pepper than any of my superhots. Got some cool sweet peppers lined up for next year.

Anyone out there got a rare or weird sweet pepper ?
I've always wanted to try Brazilian starfish! Every year I forget to procure some seeds and grow them!
No fancy tame peppers growing here this year. Just various bells, bananas and anaheims as far as mild peppers.
Do you ever look at the clock at a certain time everyday? If so, what is that time?
Four twenty dude! That's when I spark up a big fattie and yell "Fuck the world".
No wait that was the nightmare I had.

11:11 kinda weird.

Do you believe in ghosts, spooks, deamons, or the things that go bump in the night?
Naw....raised Pentecostal but still four twenty is a great time to kick back and light one up.

Speaking of that it's almost four twenty anyone ready like me ?
Quick dude, do it now. You're late. But if you're stoned you don't give a fuck anyway right? How the hell can you go through life like that? Just sayin.

Jello shots anyone?
I made some beef stroganoff on some egg noodles.
Favorite horror movie? Mine is probably the new Friday the 13th remake,Texas chainsaw massacre remake, and Rob Zombie's Halloween. The bad guys just seem bigger and more bad ass in the newer versions.  