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Many times. What doesn't taste like chicken? Rabbit is generally much tougher than yardbird and has that distinct rodent flavor.
If you could choose your death, how would you want to die?
I mostly fish for stuff I plan to kill and grill, Striper, Sturgeon, Halibut, Lingcod, etc. I let a lot of fish go too though.
Ever had Abalone?
Oh yes sir. I'm suttle. Like a good kung Fu master I use their own momentum to topple them. The pen is mightier than the sword as they say. In the Navy there was a guy who I knew was a bad apple. He was a rank above me. One day he tried to play billy bad ass. I however knew the rules, laws, and overall truth. What led up to it was niether here nor there,but he got pissed because I undercut his authority. He actually threw a sucker punch that tagged me behind the left ear and nearly dropped me. I new better than to fight. It went to Captians mass and due to his bad boy track record he got kicked out of the Navy.
How was that a troll? I knew that a goodie two shoes could set him off just by being a touch resistant to his unjustly, blown up, sense of superiorism.

I could have yes sir,no sir, like he wanted. Fuck that! He truely had very little authority over me and I knew it. I also knew that he could never take a "underling" being anything but a inferior. Asshole was as dumb as a rock.

How bout them apples?
Subtle trolling (and humor for that matter) can be some of the best! The little things that would seem inconsequential to most people can make huge impacts when used properly.
Do you believe that people can change? Or once a bad apple, always a bad apple?
People are constantly changing from the day we were born to the day we die. Bad things happen to good people just as good things happen to bad people there's no reason to it.

What's for dinner ?
Dude I live in California, ya got time?
A guy with his boyfriend on a leash.
A semi truck with dead cows stacked in back.
A car loose its whole back wheel.
A homeless guy walking down a busy city sidewalk stopped a took a shit right in the middle of the sidewalk.
Saw a turkey and a peacock face off with full plumage.

Should we make a thread on this subject?