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Rymerpt said:
A guy with his boyfriend on a leash.

Should we make a thread on this subject?
And yes, you should!
What kind of women/men do you like? (Since it is obvious I like metal and goth type gals)
Seeings how I'm only good for a hug(happy 2 b old) I'd have to say a women who can fry catfish, drag me to church, and likes sports.

Got any old garden gals out there?
Yup, but I should put emphasis on try... as that's about as far as I ever get. :lol:
Least likely place or situation you've hooked up with somebody?
I walked into a bar once, unzipped, and flopped it on the counter. Really? Nope. But I do make money on the side by handcuffing myself to the stripper pole untill they cough up the money I need to get my fat ugly ass off the stage.

Does viagra really work? Four hours? Yikes.
I believe so, but I'm told only if you're, you know... in the mood... and experience some kind of stimulation.
Like, it's not an aphrodisiac or anything.
What (if anything) works as an aphrodisiac for you?
Screw you tall ass people! :P
If I had my choice of super powers? Invisibility. The trouble I could get myself into... :twisted:
Favorite band?
Thought long and hard on this one. Id have to say my work truck. There are a few restuarants that nearly made the cut though.

What's your dollar cut off price for a dinner date?
Depends on where I am at. Locally, I try not to go over $10-12. In Vegas, $35-50.
What kind of new sauce should I work on creating?
Student of Spice said:
Something fruity, hot, and in the colour purple (good luck im looking forward to  reading about it)
What is the best sauce recipe you have ever made?

First let's talk about the purple. If you use blueberries you get a purple effect. I have also used koolaide.

My best to date has been ghost peppers, rice vinegar, honey dew mellon and honey.

Ever tried hot sauce with koolaide in the mix?