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I pull my pork all the time. Nothing special.

TrueNorthReptiles said:
Eww! No!
Care to share a sauce recipe?
Truthfully I don't think ive ever writen one down. I wing it. I also eat it so fast that I pour it into a carafe instead of a woozie.
I have messed around with fruit a lot. One of the best was made with mellon and rice wine vinegar. Hell i even used kool aide once. Weird, but kinda tasty. I made one with chocolate that was more of a runny fudge with a kick that was AWESOME on pancakes. I really should write them down. DAH.

Do you experiment or stick more to what you know?
Rymerpt said:
I pull my pork all the time. Nothing special.

Truthfully I don't think ive ever writen one down. I wing it. I also eat it so fast that I pour it into a carafe instead of a woozie.
I have messed around with fruit a lot. One of the best was made with mellon and rice wine vinegar. Hell i even used kool aide once. Weird, but kinda tasty. I made one with chocolate that was more of a runny fudge with a kick that was AWESOME on pancakes. I really should write them down. DAH.

Do you experiment or stick more to what you know?
I really want to try your kool-aide sauce. It just sounds blasphemous, which is what intrigues me, I think.
I love to experiment, but I do have my old standbys.
Have you ever made a meal that was so bad that you couldn't eat it?
Yes that's why I always have a jar of peanutbutter around so I don't starve.

About the kool aide sauce. If I remember correctly I had made a mellon sauce with rice wine vinegar and ghost peppers and I wanted a weird color. I added dry kool aide mix and got a purple sauce. it was more of a dye effect. And was unsweetened so only changed the flavor a bit.

What foods do you hate?
I won scariest costume at the halloween party at 2K1 in Fairbanks, Alaska many years ago. I was a bloody tampon ninja. My costume was a main suit that looked like a maxi-pad, smeared with blood and I had two nun-chucks that were dyed to look like two bloody tampons. It wasn't even a contest. What could be more disturbing/scary, in a humorous way, than a bloody tampn ninja?
I will be bold here. How about a secret fetish?
Nothing to do with THAT. Nope. Nope. Nope. Just... nope.
It's all about outfit for me. Certain tastes in dresses, skirts, shoes, etc.
(And please, please, please leave them on while we... you know. :party:)
Thrilling stuff, huh?
Nope, I respect that. But I am cheap. I'd sell out and sing Justin Beiber tunes if I made that kind of cheddar.

Then I would retire and do the same as you. Buy some choice land and build a nice, but modest cabin. Then I would relax for the rest of my life.
Plans for this weekend?
Laying low. Hopefully finish the last bit of unpacking from our move. We have half of our library room stll piled with boxes. We have been dreading the final unpack. Its mostly stuff that is from junk drawers and books. Basically we just need to squirel it all into assorted cubby holes and organize. A good pitcher of tea or a pot of coffee should do it if we commit.

You any plans?
Sure do. I work all weekend. My weekend is Monday and Tuesday. I think on my days off I will go down to Thermopolis and embarass myself at the hot springs pools in nothing more than my beard and my swim shorts.
Any form of body modifications?
I had my willy shortened. But that was done at birth. It frieghtened the nurses. Nothing else. Nearly got a tattoo,but my mother would have skinned me. Still may someday.Get a tat that is.

To you think tattoos will remain in fashion or has the fad died down?
Don't think about it, TBH. :P
Wanted one when I was much younger... heaps glad I didn't get one, though... I'm really not big on 'em at all now!
What's your favourite herb (besides chilli) and why?