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No sir, nuh-uh, no way!
I mean, the stuff is cool to observe and all, but to actually ingest it... :sick:
Like, seriously, what is the appeal in eating fungus? (The slimy feel? The sometimes seamen-esque scent? Help me out here....?)
Rymerpt said:
I had my willy shortened. But that was done at birth. It frieghtened the nurses. Nothing else. Nearly got a tattoo,but my mother would have skinned me. Still may someday.Get a tat that is.
I'm so sorry. I'm a big propoment for genital inegrity. My condolences. You don't know what you are missing (ie: 20,000+ fine touch nerve receptors)
I hate mushrooms or anything that may grow on my bath mat, but having tried truffles, my simple minded opinion is... They are overrated... If I want the ultimate in flavor, I wil refer to bacon or anchovies (the bacon of the sea)...
What is a state that you absolutely cannot stand?
I tend to be an optomist, so I find good in almost everything. I don't really care for Nevada, but have not seen it all. I like Tahoe, but Reno is deselate.

Ever travel California Hwy 1 along the coast?
Hmmmm nope cool though
Bought some frogs legs that smelled like pork. Lol

Do you make your own tortillas?
If I make flour tortillas, but add cutt corn to the batter does that make them corn tortillas?
I am not proud of it but... fungus.
Have you ever eaten something you absolutely positively didn't want to just so as to not offend the cook?
Because you are to busy having fun to watch the clock.

I traveled a lot in the Navy. If you could go anywhere where would you go?
Right about now, Las Vegas... But someday I hope to visit Ayres Rock in Australia. I want to fly over it in an ultralight. Vegas is more feasible right now...
How about you?
Ayres Rock would be awesome. Would deffo love to see more of Australia. Overseas? South America is probs top of the list, followed by Europe.
Oh yeah, and add New Zealand in there somewhere too.
Are you content where you are or would you rather call some place else home?
If you are talking about locale, then yes. Maybe not exactly Meeteetse, but somewhere in northwest/north central Wyoming like Cody, Thermopolis or Greybull would be nice. Meeteetse is just temporary until I get my life back in order and all this nonsense is done. Other than Wyoming, I really loved Alaska. Culturally, I probably fit in best there. Other places I would consider would be just outside of Las Vegas, NV and various locations in Utah, Iowa, Nebraska and Texas.
Same question...
Pretty much content with California, but my love for the orient pulls at my soul. Japan clouds my thoughts and becons me daily.

Do you have memories pleasantly haunt your quiet times? Wanna share one?
Pleasantly? Nope. Most of my memories are sad, especially my once good memories. Welcome to real life, I suppose... Thanks...
Do you believe people can change for the better?