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Do bars still have pretzels or peanuts there to make ya drink more? Japan has dried squid (tasty)
Gynecologist... Then I realized they see you because there is a problem.

So I went with better things you can eat and became a chef...

How was your weekend?

P.S. Pirates are way cooler than Ninjas! My Jolly Roger avatar should have given that one away.
Pretty cool weekend. Made puree and pickled peppers. Gonna have ma's spagetti for dinner and she even whipped up a cake. Schwing!

How'd yours go?
Aaaaaahhhhhh work. (Makes a cross with his outstretched hands)

Wouldn't it be cool to get paid to polish the couch with your ass?
Besides when I was a kid, maybe 2 weeks. I've always had a job.

Do people who leech off your hard earned taxes, although are perfectly capable of contributing to society, make you sick?
On the very rare occasion that I do eat ice cream, I'd have to say Bryer's mint chocolate chip.

Have you ever wanted to hand a panhandler a job application?
Not so much. I try to be a little more compassionate considering I don't know the circumstances that brought them to that position. Could be a veteran or even a man who lost his wife and daughter in a car wreck who spiraled into depression turned to drugs and contracted aids, all within a year and a half. The later is a true story from a homeless man I decided to talk to in the city one day and ask why he was the way he was. I gave him all the pot in my pocket and $5. I believed this man, as I looked in his eyes I could see he was truly broken with no faith and no hope. Granted there are plenty of young able bodied junkies just trying to feed their habit, that I tell to fuckoff and get their hustle on if they want dope money. Sometimes we should walk a mile in a mans shoes before we judge why they are helpless. Quite often its a series of horrific events beyond our comprehension that has lead them to that position. I try not to judge unless its obvious.
What are the specials tonight?
I'm definitely jaded on that subject. 9 out of 10 are just lazy or unwilling to help themselves. Our family has been taken advantage of by bums when we offered a little compassion. When I lived in Ohio there was a group of different bums who had been panhandling for years, always the same sob story about losing their jobs or welfare. The simple truth is they choose to live like that. My best friend growing up turned into a bum. He chooses to live like that. Now if I saw an honest bum that had a sign that said they were lazy and just wanted a drink, then I would probably get him a drink for his honesty.

BBQ pulled pork with coleslaw is the special tonight...

When you buy something big, like a vacation, do you do your homework and find the best deals on everything and have it all planned out or just wing it?
Been to many while on vacation. I'll be hitting up the gardens in the Bellagio again next month.

What is something on your bucket list?
Taraxacum californicum (California dandylion)

Been trying to find someone there who could send me some seeds of one. My garden looks like a who's who of invassive species.

What's weird growing in your garden?
robbyjoe01 said:
Taraxacum californicum (California dandylion)

Been trying to find someone there who could send me some seeds of one. My garden looks like a who's who of invassive species.

What's weird growing in your garden?
Seems like they are endemic to the San Bernardino mtns (way south of me) or I would grab you one out of the driveway.
leave it to you to make dandelions interesting. lol I thought this was cool.
Sorry for the highjack y'all.
My answer is taco's. There are so many variations 
Favorite candy when you were 10-12?