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Butt meets Lazyboy. HAPPY
Paid 30th lay low weekend.
Maybe some crockpoting.
Surely lots of THP

Genie grants you ONE wish. What will it be?
That is what I was thinking. They try very hard and were very eager to work. I told them I would take them to Thermopolis after school on my day off as well.

Hmm, who would I be... Probably Ariel Rebel... Self explanatory...

Can money buy happiness?
Realistically? Las Vegas. Going next month. Maybe someday I can fly over Ayers Rock/Uluru in Australia in an ultralight/trike. However, I'd love to get on an alien spaceship and see new worlds.

If you really like someone who has undesirable traits, are they worth saving?
Yea for a while anyway. Use one another and enjoy. Lowered standards lend to endless adventures.

What one luxury could you not do without?
Penis is the answer to his question, penis is the answer to your question. 
Cigarettes are hard... like penis. 
Sucking on commit lozenges like penis makes quitting soft. 
Penis is a great payment method, can't live without penis. 
What's your favorite penis?
