ide say start with 5.5lbs of 2 row and 4.5lbs of marris otter, or just use all marris otter, it tastes better anyways

I'm frozen on what chest freezer config to start heading towards ...

As in, how many and what sizes or breakdown of total cuft make a good config for homebrewing ... exploratory homebrewing, specifically.

Have you any wisdom in this regard? =)

Muchas gracias!
I've been looking for 5 or 7 cu. ft. Chest freezers to use for fermentation chambers. Keep your eye on Craig's List and you find next to new ones for pretty good prices. That's how I found the 16 cu. ft. I have now for $40.00. That one will become my Keezer but I'm using it for fermentation for now. Anything less than 5 though and I'd worry about it being tall enough inside for a carboy with a bubbler on top.
Does that put you at home or near by? Man, I'm so stoked for you! You must be about to crawl out of your skin with excitement over it. How long do you figure it will be till you can release your first batch and Oh Yeah, I expect to see some available down here just as soon as it can be arranged I never made it to Sarasota to get to try any.
if you need a landing page ... say, to collect emails for the next year and half to have an aweber list accruing so that you can blast it before opening - i'm happy to help in that way ...
Ok, might be a crazy question but if I wanted to add some flaked oats to a stout and forgot to order them, can I use some rolled oats or steel cut oats in there instead and get the same thing? Is there a rule about how much of them I'd want to use as opposed to flaked oats?
Ask Wheebz!




Because this batch had a troubled mash (exceeded 170F for an indeterminable amount of time near end of mash), I have to confess my compulsion to dump one of these whiskey or bourbon starters in and let it sit another week or two out of the cool brew bag (like it's been the past 4-5 days) ...

Ever played w/ any of these, by chance? ...


This batch has been kind of a frankenstein ... some mash troubles, a little boil over, attenuation woes etc ... and it might be a fun one to experiment on, because my expectation is already quite low and I've since realized those yeast are more typically used for actual booze ...

I'll go w/ your rec ...

I can't repitch the same yeast, because it was the kit's packet ...

all of them
HUGE fan of the 940
565 works really well above 80 degrees, will stall for like 2 weeks, but will eventually finish out low
and if you hit 170 on that mash, dump it
you denatured any enzymes for conversion, you cant get it lower, its fucked

i mean if you started at 1045 and you are only hitting 1025, thats like 2 and a half percent
no yeast is gonna finish that out unless you throw champagne or brett in there, and then its gonna taste like shit
OK, I'm OK w/ that ... I'll check the gravity today and see if it's budged and if not, I won't bottle it and I'll chalk that one up to a mistake.
Status = empty fermenters *AND* empty cellar ...
Time to launch the second round of brewing - 2-3 gallon batches coming up!
Thanks for the guidance.