wheebz said:
yep thats about right
iodophor also has phosphoric acid added to it as well
Yep, my understanding is that it's the release of free iodine that actually does the sanitizing. I got a copy of the MSDS for Iodophor and it only lists 2 ingredients considered hazardous, Iodine and Hydriodic Acid, which is an aqueous solution made up of Hydrogen Iodide and water. Seems to me that in a pinch you could use a bottle of Provodine Iodine to sanitize. 
The dilution of 10% Provodine Iodine would be 1.25 ml / l which converts to .16 oz / gal. Might want to check me on this though.
RocketMan said:
Yep, my understanding is that it's the release of free iodine that actually does the sanitizing. I got a copy of the MSDS for Iodophor and it only lists 2 ingredients considered hazardous, Iodine and Hydriodic Acid, which is an aqueous solution made up of Hydrogen Iodide and water. Seems to me that in a pinch you could use a bottle of Provodine Iodine to sanitize. 
The dilution of 10% Provodine Iodine would be 1.25 ml / l which converts to .16 oz / gal. Might want to check me on this though.
it requires VERY little amount of iodophor/iodine solution to sanitize things
thats why I like it so much, i throw it in a spray bottle and use it for everything
grantmichaels said:
eww dude
just eww
Done correctly does a higher-gravity beer still make it through fermentation in 2-3 days, and just require a longer rest after to clean  up, or should fermentation be extended in time? ...
My recent batch fermented nicely for 2.75 days, and has recently slowed way down.
I raised the temp from 67F to 68F earlier (I'm climbing up from 64F, 1 degree each 12 hours), but I think it's pretty much done ...
It's done fermenting, whether it hit gravity or the yeast floc'd out early remains to be seen.
I had 2-3 x's the pitching rate/nutrient so I bet it's finished out close enough for my needs, because 1) I like residual chewiness, and 2) kegs don't explode!
I just ordered a keg, so once it comes in a few days I'll transfer the beer over to it and grab a gravity during the process ...
If it's done enough, I'll let it age in the keg for a while, and if it's not even close - which I doubt, I'll pitch a packet of US-5 and let it chew up whatever is left.
I am pretty sure that I brewed this one well, I just wonder about my recipe ...
Depending on pitch rates, nutrients, oxygen content, that kind of jazz, that can all affect the speed of fermentation whether it be a higher gravity or not
ive seen beers ive made go from 28P to 3.5P in just over 48 hours using proper technique
it was a 15% barleywine I did with US-04 and Super High Gravity yeast combo fermented at a pretty high temp but under pressure
turned out phenomenal
typically though, you could see an extra day or two of primary, but not s significant amount of time
cool ...

i expect the keg i ordered will come friday or sunday, at which time i'll rack it to it and take a gravity reading ...

i expect good things for this batch.

brewed it by the numbers, cooled it fast, pitched a lot of yeast w/ pure O2 and nutrient, and put it in cool 64F and let it free-rise up to 68F throughout it's 3 ferm days ...

i might try to squeeze in a sweet stout brew session friday, or bang out that 5g partial grain/extract 5g batch ...

then, the next one, next week, will be the funky brew using the indie yeast and freeportbum's cascade cones ... i got your email, so i'll do a kolsch there, as you've suggested.

thanks for all the help ...
wheebz said:
fermented at a pretty high temp but under pressure
out of sheer curiosity - do you know the pressure, or was it a contained krausen/CO2 scenario of just being a sealed vessel and the pressure was only from the gas released during fermentation? ...
Have a question about grains and storage, how should milled and unmilled grains be stored? Temp controlled, refrigerated or just cool dry location? Also, how long can they be stored before they start to become unsuitable for brewing?
I'm guessing for fun - 'like coffee' ... not milled, vacuum sealed - or lowest humidity possible otherwise, and the cooler the better ... and probably away from sunlight, as well ...
That's my guess, anyways =)
RocketMan said:
Have a question about grains and storage, how should milled and unmilled grains be stored? Temp controlled, refrigerated or just cool dry location? Also, how long can they be stored before they start to become unsuitable for brewing?
On homebrewrtalk a lot of guys store their stuff in sealable Tupperware ish containers or sealed food safe containers for bulk. IM pretty sure it goes bad sooner after its milled too. Curious to see Wheebz answer though.
grantmichaels said:
out of sheer curiosity - do you know the pressure, or was it a contained krausen/CO2 scenario of just being a sealed vessel and the pressure was only from the gas released during fermentation? ...
I do, and I know the temp as well, but im not saying
RocketMan said:
Have a question about grains and storage, how should milled and unmilled grains be stored? Temp controlled, refrigerated or just cool dry location? Also, how long can they be stored before they start to become unsuitable for brewing?
milled grains will start losing their efficiency after around 3 weeks to a month, I wouldnt use them past a month and a half unless they are roasted grains
unmilled you are good for a year or so, that shouldnt cause you any problems
storing them at room temp is fine, no need to refrigerate or anything like that 
if I could store pre-milled grains at Darwins in 80 degrees and still make good beer you are ok
I do, and I know the temp as well, but im not saying

take the no-chill highway, by way of spunding avenue?


wheebz said:
milled grains will start losing their efficiency after around 3 weeks to a month, I wouldnt use them past a month and a half unless they are roasted grains
does this still count if they are in vac bag? ...
if so, i really need to brew a saison or two and use up some pilsner malt i've had for a couple of months ...