Gotta be careful in saisons and lighter lower abv beers with the buttering.agnum is good as its not a harsh bitter like Columbus or ctz. Do not overshoot your ibus. If you think so many grams will give you your target ibus cut it by 20 percent. Trust me

566 will work at like 75 to 78.

Grain bill is good oats are godoing

Save the aroma for whirlpool. Not 5 minutes. Bring it below boil before addition and don't use a lot. Those hops you named work amazing g hot side with super small amounts.

Go for it broseph
Awesome. I ordered an oz ea of galaxy and citra, and an lb of flaked oats yesterday, but I'm going to still cook that last damn bbs kit first - ready to be done w/ the kits and their unknowns and substitutions etc ...

After these next couple, I'm planning to try setting up a ferm schedule and doing your lager w/ the 940, and then a RIS for good measure ...

Good times, thanks!
Ask Wheebz ...

Plate chilling ...

Should I run sanitizer through it separately using second pump before plugging it in for chilling, or put it inline with the recirc pump during the trip up from mash-out to boiling (without water flowing counter), or ? ...
Replied to this in the email but I'll post it here.

Last 5 minutes of the boil just recirculation your hot wortub through the chiller while you are still boiling. Your boil will stop momentarily and then pick back up again.
Just wanted to confirm that keeping light off the brew isn't an issue of an photoperiod/circadian yeast signaling, but rather, a time-based reduction in quality ...
That it's OK to turn the lights on for a few minutes to perform duties in the room, but not OK to have it on for any length of time ...
Upon further study, it would seem light is pretty damn damaging, and much faster than I would have imagined ...
In other news, brewing is pretty damn exhausting if you do everything right.

I'm kind of whooped. I've brewed 4x times on the new system in the last 3 weeks, in looking.
I ran a trial of the rig on 6/25, and first brewed in it on 6/29 ... then I brewed two more batches, and yesterday was 7/18, so we're talking 4x brews in a span of 3 weeks ...
I'm totally NOT BREWING next weekend, LOL ... and I really cannot imagine doing it over and over ...
Alright Wheebz.  I have a Russian Imp Stout fermenting.  It started out at 1.082.  It will have been 2 weeks in the primary Sunday (2 days).  When I checked the gravity last week it was 1.032.  I just checked it again tonight and its still at 1.032 maybe 1.031.  It also has a hint of banana smell to it.  Its still gassing out, and I rock it back and forth everyday.  Should I just hang tight as check it in another week?  Or do I need to add more yeast?  
What yeast did you use?
What temp is it fermenting at?
Was it all grain, or was it extract?
Did you aerate your wort prior to pitch?
Most likely you stalled out due to lack of nutrients or because you underpitched for that gravity of beer. Rocking it back and forth however is only going to bring oxygen into the fermenter which is not a good thing anymore, so stop doing that unless you can rouse the bottom with straight c02. Even then, thats probably not an issue. 
A hint of banana could be a couple things. Depends on what yeast, or could be a cause of infection. Could also not be banana at all, but a couple of other esters/phenols that resemble iso amyl acetate. 
Cigar City is all over it, but they don't have quantity unfortunately, I guess ...
Their Cow Boss stout is among the likes of Bourbon County's ... rich and delicious ...
They announced Marshall Zhukov is around the corner earlier today ...
They had an AHA rally yesterday ...
They've got bottles of Two Regular Joe's Imperial Stout, but only in their tasting room ...
And they've got kegs of Caffe Americano Double Stout on taps at Mandeville, WOB etc around, but not otherwise available ...
Oh, and Goodnight Mekong Imperial Coffee Stout, too ... also not widely available ...
And then ... this morning ... a 9.5% Chocolate Orange Imperial Stout ... again, only available by the growler, there ...
I'm f**king dying.
They have six instances of my jam all around me, and I can't get away to get to any of it.
They really are tits over there ...
I missed my mark on having stouts for the summer, and you're the only person who knows that was always my goal.
Next year, I want a half-dozen big stouts in my own keezer ...
I'm half tempted to make it my goal for the next 6 months just to try to brew instances of those 6x right there, LOL ...
CHEERS! man =)
Here's the yeast

It's fermenting at a steady 68F in my basement with no light.

It was an extract kit. I did stir the wort before pitching but that was the extent of it. This was my first brew so I followed the instructions on the kit. I dry pitched according to the kit, which I will probably never do again.

I do have another packet of the yeast that I was planning to add (rehydrated).
So, while it's not something I feel the need to try to brew, really, I kind of enjoy a float made w/ Not You're Father's Root Beer ...
I'm reading through the comments, and have a question about the meaning of "stripped down" which precedes pasteurization ...
Can you shed a little light on what he's talking about? ...
Is he basically saying it's barely an ale, that it's really just a palatable SMaSH beer that they're piggy-backing most of the intrinsic qualities on? ...
Just curious ... I like to understand the snark! =)
stripped down as in filtered, usually down to a .45 nominal sterile, then sweetness/color added back in
its not really beer, its just root beer with ethanol added back into it
Is it a property of phenols that they're more concentrated for colder beer - or that they evaporate as beer warms or loses it's carbonation? ...
If I'm trying to be as critical as possible about the ferm-wrapped saison that I open-fermented by my desk, I'd say it's a little bit phenolic ...
I feel like it's most noticeable when it's straight out of the keg, or perhaps it's in the foam ...
Just curious if that quality fading with warming would confirm my resolution that the least favorable characteristic falls under 'phenols' from high-temp fermentation ...
This is the super-dry beer, the 1002 that was double-pitched w/ ECY08 and WLP565 ...
I have a question about kettle trub and hot & cold break proteins etc ...
Ignoring trivial interfacing issues in terms of barb and hose diameters etc, I have a filter housing (not high-temp) and 150 micron 304 filter that I'm planning to implement either a) prior to pitching yeast between the plate-chiller and the fermenter (keg), or b) after fermentation between the fermenter and the final (secondary) keg to remove the sediment/trub/hops/proteins/break material left behind after whirlpool chilling ... that the bazooka screens doesn't filter.
I believe I've read that the trub has useful shit for fermentation, however, I'm wondering if I'm not just better off w/ planned dose of yeast nutrient, and skipping the trub ever being all that involved in the primary in the 1st place - like a whirlpool++, if you will.
Anyways, I'm sure you know, so I'll be going w/ whatever you say on this one ...
we used a sock filter prior to heat exchanger, but it was 500 microns
150 is pretty small for a trub filter post kettle, and ill bet you clog that thing up pretty quickly
you can use it in transferring to secondary, just make sure that bitch is sanitary
basically you want to keep as much trub out as you can
I hear you ...

I think it should make 2.5 gallons before that, but yeah ...

It'll be easy to bypass w/ quick disconnects ...

Motivation is high right now to brew well, as brewing will be 1-2x/mo starting in like 4-6x wks ...

Good ole tourist season and all =/
all signs point to chill-your-wort, but at least i know a lot more about it now since you posted about the precursor etc ...

grantmichaels said:
all signs point to chill-your-wort, but at least i know a lot more about it now since you posted about the precursor etc ...

So, later on this week I'll have some wacky indie yeast:
And in the next couple of weeks I'll have some fresh cones of cascade hops from WaffleBum to use to dry hop or I guess I could probably also use them for aroma hops at the end of the boil (probably want a known AA hop for bittering, I'm thinking, but I'll happily defer to you) ...
I haven't knowingly had cascade hops, so I was inquiring to see if you go point me in a direction for something fun to brew ...
Sounds fun to use an indie yeast and some homegrown hops! =)
Ok, this question isn't about saving money but more about DANG IT, it's brew day and I'm out of Iodophor!

I know I can use bleach and then rinse, rinse and rinse some more but couldn't I also just pick up a bottle of Provodine Iodine and make sure my percentage is correct?

As I understand it Iodophor is Iodine mixed with a surfactant or Provodine. I think that Iodophor comes with a higher percent Iodine but that's what we all learned math for, right?

Thanks Bro!