Sulfates are nice for IPAS. More perceived bitterness, better hop aroma, crisper hop flavor. You want it in the 200 to 250ppm range.

And you can wait as long as you want to dry hop. I turn beers around in 14 days. I dry hop at day 6 and dump at day 12 and filter/keg day 14 so
wheebz said:
Sulfates are nice for IPAS. More perceived bitterness, better hop aroma, crisper hop flavor. You want it in the 200 to 250ppm range.

And you can wait as long as you want to dry hop. I turn beers around in 14 days. I dry hop at day 6 and dump at day 12 and filter/keg day 14 so
ok, cool, thanks for the ppm range ;)
so i can still do like a 9 gallon batch, and leave 2/3 as still beer, and then dry hop the 2nd third nearing the end of the 1st keg, and so on and so forth ...
i'm really diggin' that fresh ipa ... perhaps even enjoying it more than big stout right now, as surprised as i am to say that ...
well, i know why - besides tasting good, it pairs much more nicely with food! ...
i had a green flash citra ipa with some pizza last night, and was a pretty happy dude for a few mins (then i went back to work) ...
i just finished ordered 10# ea of M.O. and Golden Promise to come next week, for some brewing action upcoming ...
thanks, man ...
Ok Wheebz...I tried to hold off as long as I could.

9.89lb pale malt ( I use marris otter)
0.85 oz special B
0.46oz Munich malt
0.8 oz columbus hops (at 60min)
4.82 oz cascade at 10 min
0.7 oz galaxy hops at 5 days.
US-05 yeast 
Mash at 153f
Boil for 60 min
Ferment at 66f

I brewed this beer as a 2 gallon batch on Saturday and it is fermenting away in 2 mini big mouth bubblers right now. My plan is to take a gravity reading on Friday and if I hit, or get close to the target I am going to pull out the blow off tubes and cold crash in my spare fridge. I would like to dry hop one of the bubblers and leave the other as is.

Do you see any issues/problems its this? I will be bottling them after a few days of cold crashing.

Just because your beer is terminal does not mean it's ready for cold crashing. There is still a lot of cleanup that the yeast have to accomplish post primary fermentation so you can't just say "oh the bubbles are slow let's crash it"

I always let the beer sit for 2 to 3 days after primary to clean up nasties, and to let the dry hop sit at 65 to 70 degrees for a couple days to get flavors you won't get at 32 degrees crashed.

Also, the hops should sit in your beer anywhere from 6 to 8 days. Bottling after a couple days just isnt a smart idea. Don't rush it. I primary for 4 to 6 days, transfer to secondary and dry hop, crash 2 to 3 days after that. Let it cold for another 7 to 8 days, then bottle.
wheebz said:
Just because your beer is terminal does not mean it's ready for cold crashing. There is still a lot of cleanup that the yeast have to accomplish post primary fermentation so you can't just say "oh the bubbles are slow let's crash it"

I always let the beer sit for 2 to 3 days after primary to clean up nasties, and to let the dry hop sit at 65 to 70 degrees for a couple days to get flavors you won't get at 32 degrees crashed.

Also, the hops should sit in your beer anywhere from 6 to 8 days. Bottling after a couple days just isnt a smart idea. Don't rush it. I primary for 4 to 6 days, transfer to secondary and dry hop, crash 2 to 3 days after that. Let it cold for another 7 to 8 days, then bottle.
I felt like, after two days of rather exhaustive research, your method was a nice compromise, leveraging the temp switch 1/3 in to get a little of both worlds - like layering - from the one end of the spectrum that emphasizes the dankness (2 days) to the other end which emphasizes the smooth/round citrus notes 10-12 days ...
But it also left me planning to TRY dropping 33-50% extra hops and dropping them on the 3rd day and trying to skip the racking off the yeast step, to compare ...
wheebz said:
Dear god its happening.

And I don't like to dry hop on top of the yeast cake. Hops get stuck in there and apply all their flavors to the yeast and not to the beer
Yes, I realize it's sub-optimal, that the yeasts shells or whatever get coated w/ the oils and they are wasted ..
I don't have to worry about it today, but I have to have the bigger pictures in mind from now until Sunday/Monday ...
Trying to brew 3x 3 gallon batches using the system I'm used to between tonight and Sunday night, while working as much as usual ...
Gotta get it done, and get out of the kitchen so Danielle can straighten it up again next week ahead of the holiday weekends ...
Once I work out the counter-pressure transfers, I won't balk at racking op's ...
Pressurized liquid transfers and BeerGun day is going to be either Christmas weekend, or New Year's weekend ...
Kind of having one of those sessions today ... had to recirc PBW before I could brew, sliced my finger on a keg handle sanitizing it, and had to hurry up and build 3x new silicone pump lines because my asshole cat punctured them all since I brewed last ...
Fucker ... anyways ... brewing through it.
wheebz said:
So tomorrow I am ordering one of every one of those yeast strains from white labs
Looking up old HBT threads on them is going to be my latenight on the couch fun after I brew ...
I do not plan to order a bunch, perhaps surprisingly, but I look forward to reading about them a little bit ...
I might order 2-3x

wheebz said:
So tomorrow I am ordering one of every one of those yeast strains from white labs
The Session is the only BN show I didn't listen to the Archive of episodes for ... but this marketing guy gives the basic and there's a smattering of good ideas in there ...
It's long, and they really take a while to start getting into the good shit ... but the dude's rollin' with the good info by like 75 mins in ... was really good for like 45 mins after that ...
Anyways ...
No wonder their head brewer walked away ...
Bet their shit has floaties too, next ...
The Brew Hub beers are shit ...
Cigar City's good beers (the small batch releases and bombers) aren't made at Brew Hub, just the shitty canned stuff I think ...
This market's in a bubble ... and bubble's going to pop sooner than later ...
Two of the earlier breweries shut down this week (Three Palms and the one that just gave way to Brew Bus taking over their spot in N. Tampa/Seminole) ... that place gave up their physical presence and is trying Brew Hub only ...
I can feel the dark forces at work ... and I'm not sure, but it seems like CCB might actually be a dark force ...
Just waiting for the announcement that CCB's been bought ...
Three Palms beers sucked horribly, I mean HORRIBLY
Randy Reaver was a good friend of mine, but he never comprehended the aspect of hiring someone who knows what they are doing