grant i dont know a single homebrewer that has that kind of stuff, hell i bet only 10 percent of breweries actually use them and do proper cell counting
seriously dude, thats like dumb, you arent making hundreds or thousands of gallons, you are making 3 to 5. You would have to pitch by weight, and the weight difference would be like an ounce of slurry here and there
it would be such an incredible hassle to do that on such a small scale and its completely pointless. You dont need exactly beers, you arent repitching stored yeasts that have a couple months of downtime, there is literally no reason to do it
wheebz said:
grant i dont know a single homebrewer that has that kind of stuff, hell i bet only 10 percent of breweries actually use them and do proper cell counting
seriously dude, thats like dumb, you arent making hundreds or thousands of gallons, you are making 3 to 5. You would have to pitch by weight, and the weight difference would be like an ounce of slurry here and there
it would be such an incredible hassle to do that on such a small scale and its completely pointless. You dont need exactly beers, you arent repitching stored yeasts that have a couple months of downtime, there is literally no reason to do it
i was going to do it because because i'm pretty sure most of the vials of liquid yeast arrived considerably compromised ... since I have had zero issues w/ the dry yeast batches, and always-trouble with the liquid yeast batches ... sometimes even with starters ... and well, it sounds fun to me ...
oh, and because i'm already bored with not brewing ... and it's been two days ...
actually, though ... i put that on my todo list before I'd used the US-05/S-04 ...
i like the US-05 a lot, enough that I don't feel the need to use WLP001 and deal w/ vials/starters over just using the US-05 ...
i'll know more about the S-04 soon, since i've used it twice again, since using it for the last 3x batches ...
i'll forget about that (yeast), for now ...
the beergun bottling, oak shit, water chem, and build-out for the bigger cooler and kettle should keep me occupied for the time being, though ...
I would go to the home brew store buy a single vial make a 1500ml starter in the early afternoon and pitch it 18 to 24 hours later in to 12 to 13 gallons and I never once had attenuation issues, in fact I had the exact opposite where it would dry too much.

From one vial in one starter to 12 gallons, no problem. And it would be rolling 6 hours later.

Only time I ever had a problem was the Belgian Antwerp yeast. Vial was 8 months old and I still hit 60% attenuation
wheebz said:
I would go to the home brew store buy a single vial make a 1500ml starter in the early afternoon and pitch it 18 to 24 hours later in to 12 to 13 gallons and I never once had attenuation issues, in fact I had the exact opposite where it would dry too much.

From one vial in one starter to 12 gallons, no problem. And it would be rolling 6 hours later.

Only time I ever had a problem was the Belgian Antwerp yeast. Vial was 8 months old and I still hit 60% attenuation
You make 12 gallons of 34P beer with a 1500mL starter from a single vial and you're the champ ... lol.
When I do this imp stout I'm planning the est OG is 1.107 and should finish around 1.029. How big of a starter will I need to make for that? I was planning 1500 ml using wlp001. Will that do the job or do you think I'll need to go bigger?
Ozzy2001 said:
Yeah.... I am absolutely loving the shop here. It's 5-10 mins from my house and they have liquid yeast and a great selection of hops and grains. It's pretty awesome.
Twice this summer my vials were bubbling yeast out of the seals upon receipt of the package, even despite expedited shipping ... the Easy Coast Yeast, and vials of WLP001 and WLP002 that came from too far out West, I guess ...
Part of the problem is right here, though ... I get my packages between like 6:30 and 8PM, and they'd show being on the truck at like 5:30AM ...
Driving around all day in the back of a non-climate-controlled, BROWN, truck in 95-100F degree weather is - as Wheebz would say - no bueno ...
grantmichaels said:
Driving around all day in the back of a non-climate-controlled, BROWN, truck in 95-100F degree weather is - as Wheebz would say - no bueno ...
Nevermind about's unbearable here. I really wish I was home. They are expecting freezing rain.
tctenten said:
Nevermind about's unbearable here. I really wish I was home. They are expecting freezing rain.
LOL ...
It's pretty warm and humid, right now, but man ... dude ... this is NOTHING! ...
This is mid-80's ... you should experience the same humidity or more yet, at upper nineties, for summer-length day-lengths!
grantmichaels said:
I'm bummed that I can't keep brewing =(

It'll give me some time to get up to speed on yeast ranching, cooking with beer, and tinkering with my water chemistry though, I guess ...
It's also probably the right time to buy a 'scope and hemocytometer plate ...
wheebz said:
grant i dont know a single homebrewer that has that kind of stuff, hell i bet only 10 percent of breweries actually use them and do proper cell counting
seriously dude, thats like dumb, you arent making hundreds or thousands of gallons, you are making 3 to 5. You would have to pitch by weight, and the weight difference would be like an ounce of slurry here and there
it would be such an incredible hassle to do that on such a small scale and its completely pointless. You dont need exactly beers, you arent repitching stored yeasts that have a couple months of downtime, there is literally no reason to do it
grantmichaels said:
i was going to do it because because i'm pretty sure most of the vials of liquid yeast arrived considerably compromised ... since I have had zero issues w/ the dry yeast batches, and always-trouble with the liquid yeast batches ... sometimes even with starters ... and well, it sounds fun to me ...

oh, and because i'm already bored with not brewing ... and it's been two days ...
Grant, I'm just waiting for you to steal Matt Damon's line from the Martian "I'm going to have to Science the Sh!t out of this!"
RocketMan said:
Mary and I watched it last night on Vudu, after we were both VERY impressed with it. Both of us were more impressed with it than with Interstellar which we both liked. 
Yes, I've heard good things, and it's going down this weekend - promised Danielle last weekend when my brewing ran into it's time-slot a little bit too much ...
i liked the Martian, watched it 2 days ago, but it wasnt like game changing as some other movies I have seen
new Avengers was really good, but im a marvel whore
The Hateful Eight was pretty good
bout to watch The Revenant tonight though, so we will see how that goes