Gotcha ... never had a 3P beer ...
I read Bob S.'s comment on RR, who seemed like a good guy ...
I'm pretty sure when I look into stuff, that I'm going to find out that Brew Hub is hidden marker of big corp brewing backdooring and devaluing 'craft' ...
And then that's going to seriously taint my feelings about CCB, because you gotta figure their cans are making up the majority of the production capacity, which might mean that they're acting all crafty, but are really playing both sides ...
there isnt one
whirlfloc is designed to coagulate proteins and lipids during the boil, removing them before fermentation
if you already fermented with em, too bad 4 u bro
however, if you are looking for clarifying, biofine will do that for you
wondered why there was so much crap in solution when i tasted the hydro jar sample, looked back through my pics ... no whirfloc ...

shit was chunky, like drinking Homestyle OJ ...

i could feel the little clumps going through my teeth like pulp, lol ...
I love the beers that blow my fucking mind ...


The beer is one of those few ...

My perception of it's travel ... is like, reversed ...

Up front it's flat and like, deliciously oily on the lips and tongue ...

But then, it feels like it's flowing in reverse, because the motion of swallowing creates the first sense of carbonation, and then the barrel notes appear after that back up front in the nose ...

It's so surreal, but really cool ...

It feels like a delay in perception of drinking altogether, making it very captivating to drink ...
How much can you affect beer in all of the senses a real barrel does, using spirals?

Do you have a trick for simulating the microoxidation, when using wood in a corny? pulling the pressure-relief valve once a month or something?

Yepppers you can. I bubble an entire 10 pound oxygen tank through 5 gallons of the freshest IPA and add in any log in can find in my yard. Works wonders
Dear Wheebz:
A question about bottling.  I am going to be bottling an IPA this Saturday.
The co2 volume is 2.4(from what I have read)
To figure out the amount of priming sugar to use, it is asking my the temperature of the beer.  I currently am cold crashing in the primary fermenters. 
What temperature do I use for the priming sugar calculation?  The cold crash temp? Do I let it get to room temp then add to bottling bucket?
grantmichaels said:
How much can you affect beer in all of the senses a real barrel does, using spirals?

Do you have a trick for simulating the microoxidation, when using wood in a corny? pulling the pressure-relief valve once a month or something?

wheebz said:
Yepppers you can. I bubble an entire 10 pound oxygen tank through 5 gallons of the freshest IPA and add in any log in can find in my yard. Works wonder
Ok, Spirals, Cubes, Chips, dead wood found in the yard and no telling what it is,  whats the best way to get it into your beer? Does any one work better than the others?
Hope that's not a pne tree your getting logs from the yard from  :)
tctenten said:
Dear Wheebz:
A question about bottling.  I am going to be bottling an IPA this Saturday.
The co2 volume is 2.4(from what I have read)
To figure out the amount of priming sugar to use, it is asking my the temperature of the beer.  I currently am cold crashing in the primary fermenters. 
What temperature do I use for the priming sugar calculation?  The cold crash temp? Do I let it get to room temp then add to bottling bucket?
You have to carbonate at room temp unfortunately when you are bottle conditioning. Or a little less. Basically the range that the yeast will ferment sugars the best is the range for you to carb. That's why it takes so long to carbonate bottles. Gotta warm them back up from the cold crash.
RocketMan said:
Ok, Spirals, Cubes, Chips, dead wood found in the yard and no telling what it is,  whats the best way to get it into your beer? Does any one work better than the others?
Hope that's not a pne tree your getting logs from the yard from  :)
Yea don't bubble oxygen through your finished beers. I hope no one took that seriously.

But, my favorite is oak spirals. Contax time as short as a week or two. And they are super easy to get in and out of fermenters. Great surface area too.

Only downside to barrels is that whole microoxygenation factor and the oak can be a little harsh when doing it that way if you don't catch it fast enough. If not, you can blend it
Merry xmas to all you too. I'll be honest sometimes I get a little frustrated with beer questions but I'll tell you what this was the entire reason Ask Wheebz was started. Love you guys and I apologize for my shortness sometimes but at the end of the day its all you guys doing what I did when I started and I really appreciate the questions. Hope I can help whenever you need it
wheebz said:
Merry xmas to all you too. I'll be honest sometimes I get a little frustrated with beer questions but I'll tell you what this was the entire reason Ask Wheebz was started. Love you guys and I apologize for my shortness sometimes but at the end of the day its all you guys doing what I did when I started and I really appreciate the questions. Hope I can help whenever you need it
I'm bummed that I can't keep brewing =(

It'll give me some time to get up to speed on yeast ranching, cooking with beer, and tinkering with my water chemistry though, I guess ...
It's also probably the right time to buy a 'scope and hemocytometer plate ...