
When I do this imp stout I'm planning the est OG is 1.107 and should finish around 1.029. How big of a starter will I need to make for that? I was planning 1500 ml using wlp001. Will that do the job or do you think I'll need to go bigger?
wheebz said:
1500 of WLP001 will be more than enough unless you are grant, and then you can just dump in 20 gallons of yeast into a 3 gallon batch of beer and have it finish at 40% attenuation
i was waiting for it ... i knew you were setting up w/ the nutes and o2 question ...
i know how you are - you'll feel guilty if his beer stalls out!
better give him the best advice ... lots of pressure, here ...
your mash temp is whats really going to affect your final gravity in beers that big though with that awkward of a grain bill like an imperial stout
you have to make sure you hit low for fermentables but not low enough to just get fusels from fermentation, but high enough for those long chains and that body you want
do not go over 155, hit right around 154 to 155, but dont go over, better to be low than high
and since you arent repitching your yeast, use 2x the amount of nutrients than normal, and bubble oxygen for a minute or so, i dont know how your oxygen setup is, but you want it dissolved so you dont see large bubbles but it looks like foamy eruptions instead of bubbles like you blowing through a straw in a glass of soda when you were a kid
wheebz said:
and since you arent repitching your yeast, use 2x the amount of nutrients than normal, and bubble oxygen for a minute or so, i dont know how your oxygen setup is, but you want it dissolved so you dont see large bubbles but it looks like foamy eruptions instead of bubbles like you blowing through a straw in a glass of soda when you were a kid
Well, the o2 situation is f'd because of delayed shipping now. I still want to brew this beer this weekend because I'm going to be busy for a few weeks after.

Should I mess with an aquarium pump stone? Or just up the starter and shake/stir?
Ozzy2001 said:
Well, the o2 situation is f'd because of delayed shipping now. I still want to brew this beer this weekend because I'm going to be busy for a few weeks after.

Should I mess with an aquarium pump stone? Or just up the starter and shake/stir?
me too, man ... bunch of grains that i ordered well in advance, are going to miss this weekend ... and it's pissing me off ...
wait for oxygen
dont inject straight air unless you have a .5 micron in line filter to keep out the baddies

.5 micron or smaller I should say
wheebz said:
I dont care how many articles I read on that, it is something I would never do
You have to get like a pinhead drop of olive oil into solution with ethanol if you read really carefully ...
But, I posit that you could get it into wort in the ultrasonic cleaner ...
I plan to try it as part of my stove-top experiment series ...
I have some seriously SMFH stuff I plan to try in mason jars ...
wheebz said:
I would go to the home brew store buy a single vial make a 1500ml starter in the early afternoon and pitch it 18 to 24 hours later in to 12 to 13 gallons and I never once had attenuation issues, in fact I had the exact opposite where it would dry too much.
yes, underpitching = extra attenuation ...
wheebz said:
you can just dump in 20 gallons of yeast into a 3 gallon batch of beer and have it finish at 40% attenuation
yes, for the fruit-notes, lol ...
but, i always be learnin' ...