i peeked at the trois ipa quickly since it's overcast, and i thought the yeast formation seemed like it could still be working and just covered it back up real quick (no pic, no NS dry-hoppjng, no gravity still) ...

good beer to just let sit, right?
2nd link won't open for me.

Lol how do you get a beer that hazy. I've only been brewing for about 6 mos and I have had a single beer that hazy yet. Not even my wit/blue moon that was my second brew.
grantmichaels said:
I don't have an ASK WHEEBZ, because my in-process beer's been neglected while we tend to our pooch primarily, but this is useful and worth a bookmark ...
and a little support for some warm-time for dry hopping, too ...
bookmarked that release calendar….the fb link doesn't open.
tctenten said:
bookmarked that release calendar….the fb link doesn't open.
the fb links that don't open are one's that you have to be signed in for, or perhaps have to be friend on fb ... not sure ...
those two were for Wheebz, anyways ... the brewmaster for CCB has a bit of a way about him ... but honestly, i could say the same thing about everyone here, too ... myself included ...
tctenten said:
bookmarked that release calendar….the fb link doesn't open.
grantmichaels said:
the fb links that don't open are one's that you have to be signed in for, or perhaps have to be friend on fb ... not sure ...
those two were for Wheebz, anyways ... the brewmaster for CCB has a bit of a way about him ... but honestly, i could say the same thing about everyone here, too ... myself included ...
Hum, They both opened for me.
I brewed this XXX - Mild batch a little while back ...
grantmichaels said:
XXX - Mild

     6 lb  Crisp (UK) Pale 84%
  1/2 lb  CaraAroma 7%
  1/2 lb  CaraRed 7%
2.25 oz Carafa III Special 2%

Mash at 147F + 157F for ~10-11P

Boil 45 minutes, with .5 oz German Northern Brewer at 30 mins, and .5 oz at flame-out for ~17 IBU

Estimated OG ~13P

London ESB Ale (Wyeast 1968), no starter required, 63F (accidentally)
The flavor is overly simple, with swiss-cheese-size holes in the flavor profile ...
It's entirely boring ...
For the sake of conversation and learning ... my guess for what would improve it would be subbing in like 1.5-2# Biscuit for Pale, and doubling the Carafa, at least ...
I'm not going to actually brew it again, but I might build off this recipe for when I use that jar of Pecan Pie filling from Trader Joe's, and it would really need to be better base beer to turn into anything remotely exciting ...
So, my ASK WHEEBZ is a conceptual "recipe golf" of sorts ... what's the fewest changes or additions that you hypothesize would make it a better beer - out of curiosity ...