that porter doesnt have a high enough percentage of dark malts to bring it down to the 5.4 range, however as grant said it will bring it down some
you can add calcium chloride to your water, bring out that malty freshness and that will bring you down some too, but i dont know your water profile so I cant tell you how much to add
if you REALLY wanna do it, you can use phosphoric acid, or lactic acid, or citric acid, and lower your pH that way
huge fan of powdered citric acid personally, and you can get that stuff at any animal feed store, and probably your LHBS
wheebz said:
that porter doesnt have a high enough percentage of dark malts to bring it down to the 5.4 range, however as grant said it will bring it down some
you can add calcium chloride to your water, bring out that malty freshness and that will bring you down some too, but i dont know your water profile so I cant tell you how much to add
if you REALLY wanna do it, you can use phosphoric acid, or lactic acid, or citric acid, and lower your pH that way
huge fan of powdered citric acid personally, and you can get that stuff at any animal feed store, and probably your LHBS
Ok.  I will see what I can get my hands on and try it out.  When in the brew process is best to add this stuff?  Pre mash, during mash, post mash?
tctenten said:
Ok.  I will see what I can get my hands on and try it out.  When in the brew process is best to add this stuff?  Pre mash, during mash, post mash?
I'll let Wheebz answer when ... but I do it 5 mins after mashing in ...
I'm answering that while you will pay a higher price/oz at Amazon, it's doesn't really matter because you'll use so little each time that it's factored out ...
And it's good for descaling shit like coffee makers and hot water canisters and also for keeping fruit fresh from oxidizing ... cut apples, avocado ...
grantmichaels said:
I'll let Wheebz answer when ... but I do it 5 mins after mashing in ...
I'm answering that while you will pay a higher price/oz at Amazon, it's doesn't really matter because you'll use so little each time that it's factored out ...
And it's good for descaling shit like coffee makers and hot water canisters and also for keeping fruit fresh from oxidizing ... cut apples, avocado ...
I assume Ball Pickle Crisp is an acceptable form of calcium chloride?
I'm not sure, but why not ... it's food grade, obviously ...
Mine came from online homebrew shop ...
Have you had OB's Death by Coconut? ...
grantmichaels said:
do not skip that one ... it's EXCELLENT ...
i'm hoping that Wheebz recipe (w/ the flaked grains) has a little tendency towards the mouthfeel they've gotten on DBC ...

nah, Wheebz ...
cool man they had a couple sixers ill grab one tomorrow and try it out
FreeportBum said:
cool man they had a couple sixers ill grab one tomorrow and try it out
most def ...
i've been down on flavored beers, but not that one ... that one's G-R-E-AT!
nope never had it
and yea you want food grade
i add my mash additions right when I add my first addition of grains
you want to get it as evenly distributed through the mash as possible, if you wait until you are already mashed in, its not going to get as evenly dispersed 
I'm going to brew a biggie-size version of Wheebz' porter on the stove while I brew the full batch in the eBIAB rig ...
Looking forward to making an obscene version of his beer in Beersmith tonight!