The bard baby
let that other one age and in 6 months if you wanna send it to me I will be all about it
thanks for the care package
On its way to you tomorrow once I have your address Brother!


happened to me on a 30bbl fermenter when I was in Delaware
I lost almost 3bbls fixing it, so it doesnt surprise me he lost the whole thing
after that happens, you re-evaluate the way that you rotate your racking arm during your transfer to brite tank procedure
I also watched a guy blow an 1 1/2in valve off the end of a racking arm on a 200bbl fermenter at southern tier that was also under 10psi of pressure
you basically grab the valve and a spare gasket, which you ALWAYS keep one in your shirt pocket, ALWAYS, and throw the valve wide open, then put it on the fermenter open so there is no backpressure, close the tri clamp, then close the valve
thats a mess like you have never seen before
shit I had 4 other bowls of stuff before, but thats what is in the pot simmering already
still trying to figure out black beans
ive tried soaking, ive tried simmering, its like what the fuck does it take to get these things soft
so far before, soaked an hour and a half, cooked an hour and 45, finally al dente
didnt soak, simmered like 3 hours, watched my gas bill fly through the roof, said fuck that not again
third time right now, wondering if I shouldnt have just soaked them overnight
problem is I wing it like every night in the kitchen when I cook, so I never plan that damn far ahead to soak beans the night before
I do have an amazing 18oz 2" cut london broil (the other half of where I got that tip meat) warming to room temp right now
gonna ball that out in the home made pasta I did last night somehow, just havent figured that part out either
got shitake, porchini, portobello, kale, and pancetta today at the store, so I might have to do that bolonaise thing I was thinking about last night and make 2 or 3 servings and shave that broil overtop super thin
seriously its one of the best london broils ive ever had, almost like a filet fall apart in your mouth but with the fatty awesomeness of a strip