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Aus newbie q's

Hope you have a good start to your season Mjdtexan.

I'm having fun with the growing this year thats for sure. The only plants that aren't working for me are the 7's both are big plants and I've lost nearly 100% of the peppers so far. At the moment I'm probable having 20+ a week go rotten on the plant before thier even ripe.

At least I have the choc bhut lol


This plants a freak!!! All new peppers are starting to come out rather fat which is extra cool. Who needs 7's when you can have bhuts that are nearly the same size hey lol


Ive also had the dehydrator going and managed to dry out four trays this time round.


Well I can't see myself bothering with 7's next season. I've lost so many peppers and haven't even gotten one good pepper.


The scorpian seems to be going the same way, I have to pick the pods as soon as they show full color on any part of the pepper. If i let the pepper fully ripen then it will be half rotten by the time I get to pick it.

I've tried to not water the 7's at all and managed around 4-5 days before they were so badly wilted I had to water them. I'm not sure if that will help, it has been really humid which is not normal for where I live so I guess thats the cause.

Crappy 7's :hell:

But :) I still have lots of other peppers
sorry to hear Timmy, I wonder whats doing it I have heaps on my trees,
they're taking for ever to ripen though and I have had 1 or 2 drops when the weather hits into the mid 30s
but nothing like yours, Have you tried cutting them open and looking inside to see if there are any grubs?????? ...or maybe you need some shade cloth?
That's really odd Timmy, probably a good idea to check inside as JR just said. My 7s are the last of my plants to wilt, they seem to love the heat and I only lost a few on the weekend to heavy winds, none to heat. Don't give up on them mate, try again next year. You never know, the problem may right itself this year anyway.
I had a look at the pods and some did have maggots but all the fresh ones that I've just picked off the plant with rotten bits had nothing. I'll continue to check them out. I doubt I'll get any good pods they all look stuffed at this point

Ohh well

The good news is I'm starting to run out of room in my freezer ( very small freezer) so i've started to make up some goodies.


On the left is two jars of bih, all I added was vinegar, jolokias, sugar and lime. I have a mates thats a chef so he's getting one. The other bottles are my curry mix. I used some of the dehydrated jolokia's, most of these I'll hand out to friends that are game. I made up a curry last night and the heat was great but next time I cook up the curry I'll double the curry powder and see how it goes :)
I was thinking of picking all of the unripe 7's. Every pod has gone bad so I thought picking them might give the plant time to recover and skip whatevers going on.

Good idea?
I have been having similar problems with my 7's timmmy. Drop pods day after day but then my yellow started holding on to some.

The only thing i did was move it into the shade for a few days, i cant move the others though as they are in the ground. Nice looking pods you have been harvesting anyway mate, happy podding! :D
I've moved the 7's into the shade as you suggested Nova and we will see what happens.

Next time your going to Niel's let me know and I'll bring down some Fatalii & lime icecream sauce. Nice and hottttt.

Well the choc bhut is just slowly pumping out new pods now. They seem to be fatter than the first run but are still bloody evil looking.


Heres a crazy Dorset pod. The plants also slowed down a lot but is still producing pods and has new flowers starting to set.


I'm thinking this is a congo. Nice thick branches on this plant

Just Yates Thrive now that all plants have peppers on them. Before that I used another Yates product that was for branch growth (so it said anyway)

I'm happy with the fertz, its pretty hard to overfeed and I haven't had any major issues from doing so. You can always see the plants respond to the feed over a few days, theres always a noticeable jump in growth after feeding.

The plants are just starting to produce more flowers and new growth after the first run. All plants still have pods but only 10-20 on each at best .

Might make up some chilli jam over the weekend, fingers crossed hey.
I have lots of Dorsets. I think I'll try a savoury one first


* 1kg ripe tomatoes, peeled, chopped
* 500g granulated sugar
* 3 tbs lemon juice
* 1/3 cup white wine vinegar
* Dorsets
* 2 tsp sea salt
* 2 tbs fish sauce

I have lots of fatalli's, choc bhuts, dorstes and some scorpians I have to do something with as my freezers rather full :)