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Aus newbie q's

I have a very small freezer lol

Well I have no idea if the jams worked but its now in 200ml bottles.


Tastes pretty good, i think it would be a great addition to many meals or even some salads.

First jam down, I hope it turns out as a jam and not a sauce.
I think I will have to make some more Jam :onfire:

i used around a dozen large dorset pods to make 900mls of jam. Which isn't a huge amount of chilli but you get a real good burn.

I didn't cook down the jam enough and its rather runny (for jam). I simmered it for 1 hour so next time I'll go a bit further. Hippy was also saying that a local shop has Jam sugar with all the setting agents included so I might get that next time.

The fish sauce worked well ;) The jam tastes great and I've been putting it on everything. The dorsets are the biggest flavour which is real cool.

The only thing I'm not sure of is how long the jam will last. I can't see myself eating 30 odd jars in a month or so.

Now for a choc bhut one :hell:
If you've cooked it down and used sterile jars they should last quite a while if you don't open them. I make up jars of sambal, all I do is blend the chillies with a little salt and jar them. Jars are boiled before and after filling and they last ages in the fridge.
yum.....yum....yum...yum..yum..yum.yum YUMMMYYYYY

Good to hear. I gave one to hippy today and I'll hand out some others tomorrow so I'll have to make some more anyway lol

The next batch should be better :)
I made up 1.2ltrs of jam today :onfire:


I used

6x yellow sevens (my entire harvest lol)
6x large choc bhuts
6x large fatalii's
1kg peaches
2x passion fruit
1/3 cup white wine vin
3 tbsp lemon
1kg jam sugar
5 tbsp Bundy rum 40% oak barrel edition
2 tsp rock salt
lemon rind (removed after cooking)

Warmed up for a good ten mins to melt sugar before boiling. Tested as per sugar labels instructions, after 4 mins drip some jam onto a cold plate and carefully dip finger into the jam, if the surface has a skin its ready if not keep boiling.

Ohh my its hot, yeah hahaha its good. I had a full body sweat after the first taste dammmm lol

Tastes great but this time round the jams set a bit too firm (the last one was runny) I was a bit worried that would happen but the jam sugar had a reciepe with 1kg fruit to 1kg of sugar so I thought I was safe.

Still tastes good and spreads well.

I'm a bit shocked that both jams have tasted so good.
:) Well the 7's I used were my whole seasons worth lol

It seems like every plant is having the same problem. So maybe its the weather, which has been really humid (not typical for Aus weather at all). I have found some tinny little holes in the base of some of my peppers so it could easily be some bug/fly.

I sprayed all the plants this morning just in case and will do again over the next few days just in case.

Ohh well I must have some sort of disease or bug. Every pepper plant has stopped producing nice pods. Every plant has pods but thier all going rotten on the plants. At first it was the 7's but every plant is doing it and most peppers aren't even getting colour on them before dropping off rotten. I'm now getting zero pods off all plants.

I'll post some pic's but rotten is the best choice of words, soft or brown geeewwwpp comes to mind.

I guess I need to spray for something? What can I do?

I have noticed some very small holes in some peppers so maybe fruit fly? Or .........

The plants are just about to start the second run so I have to nuke whatever it is now. I thought it was the weather but this can't be now I recon I could go pick up 50+ peppers of the ground and probable a few hundred rotten ones off of the plants.
Will do I just have to go out now, will probable post a tonne of pics on Sunday morn.

Off to play poker, $2,600 first place .... please, please, please lol

The plants are all very droopy and don't seem to have the rich deep green colour anymore either. The scorpians have been out in the rain fo a week and they look better but have some yellowing pigment in the leaves.

Will take pics soon :)
Have a good day
I'm having trouble with 2 of the Yellow 7s too now Timmy, same problem with the rotten pods and the plants themselves aren't looking healthy. There are no holes in the pods but we've had some pretty humid days over the last couple of weeks. So far it's only the 2 plants suffering and I'm hoping it stays that way. If the problem clears up soon then I'd guess the weather is the culprit. Such a shame it's the nicest looking pods dropping...:(

Edit: Oh and good luck on the card table.
crap x2 I'm already home lol

and I don't know what you call these pics but its not pod porn, maybe .... nah won't go there




at the start they were going bad when ripe so I was picking them a bit early and leaving them to ripen inside. Now if I leave them on the plant they don't even get to the ripe stage and just rot. Now the stem's seem to be dieing early then the peppers rot from that point.
Probable should have just gone all in first hand :) Quicker day at least.

Sort of looks like my seasons finished.

The plants look okay but the peppers are just f@#*ed lol
:) At least it was until page 8 hey Omri.

Still I have had a good season up to this point so I'm more than happy.

It would be nice if the second run of peppers came through in good condition.