event Aussie - Sawtell Chilli Fest 5th July 2008

yea im not taking stuff up (i may but for Fun purposes) next yr a stall ?, this yr going to have fun and actually scored a gig,, i get to Open the Chilli Eating Comp hahahaha funny that.

a few of us are going up and camping the night before, should be great.
I'll be there with my young minion. Just trying to sort out accommodation.

Feelin thirsty already lol

I see your name on the main page HippySeed
theHippySeedCo said:
my baby is coming, but its a guitar

all i need is a fire and a drink :)


lol mine too in the form of a half decent laptop "gifted" to me by a customer who vanished rather than pay the bill.

I'll see if I can rig it to be able to post up pics of the chilli eating comp *almost* live.
sweeet , Andrews here at THP finallly.. he's coming toooo im looking tonight for accommodation

hahahahahahahahahahahaha we did and ice cream vid, but as 6 min ill burn and send on dvd to ya..
*realizes he really shoulda married that cute gal from Mel in '93...*

damn. wish I could..but I'm only Commonwealth being a canuck... ;p

Wish ya all well.
ok Accomodation :) Now instead of the usual happening , email everywhere as neil smith and not get a reply (ya all know how that goes), so Reverend neil had a go last night, this morn this came

Dear Rev. Neil

Thank you for your recent enquiry. We do have an ensuite cabin available for the 04.07.08 for one night. The tariff for the one night for two people would be $83.00.

Please note this doesn't include linen. Linen can be hired at $2.50 per
sheet and $2.00 per towel, or you can bring your own.

If you would like to make a booking or wish to enquire further please
contact us on our toll free number 1800 729 835.

Kind Regards
Sawtell Beach Caravan Park

so call Miranda 1800 729 835, to see whats the go,, i only wanted a tent site but an Ensuite Cabin be nice hahahaha (go Rev)

yay, just told the missus im going "oh Dear"
Nice one 'Rev'

I've had no luck getting replies (how the hell do they stay in biz??)

I'll call them tomorrow.


OH...did you find out how far that is from the action?
looking at now in google earth,, on here think its called Coffs Coast State Park, as looked up on site and its next to the bowling club opposite the tennis courts,,its bout a 500 metre stagger from main st of sawtell..
im ringing tomorrow too. may have to have a drink (not allowed to here) yay
Yesss a proud moment,, THP has an entrant in the Sawtell chilli festival HAT competition,, Go naganivana you slay em.
the competition will be tough but i know youve trained years for this moment and will give it all you got..

goood luck..
sweeeeet, dunno what time Fri getting there as gonnna stop in for a while and see my Daughter in Kempsey on way through,, but shouldnt be tooo late,, ill get numbers so can sms and meet up if want fri night for a drink or 4 :)
coool, ill bring up a few bottles of this indonesian chilli sauce i get at the local asian food shop for $2 a bottle(i bought 10),,its a ripper and can whack it on some of them burgers :)
gonna slip naganivana into the chilli eating comp tooo, Yeaaa

and he's been in heavy training for the Hat comp hahahahahaha

this is so gonnna be a fun weeekend
Got my booking confirmation in the mail today. Dunno whats more worrying the 5 hour drive down highway 1 or the fact that HippySeed will be my neighbour when I get there :D

Got your vid today too HS...lmao!