• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

Back from Iraq! Lookie what I got. :-)


Not to sound flippant but who cares about the peppers. Okay, coming back to great looking plants is fantastic, but I'm thankful you survived the valuable contribution to our security. Thank you!

They look simply great, I'd love to come home and find something like that waiting for me. Great job! Good to see you're back and okay!
AlabamaJack said:
welcome home and thank you...

I agree with the others...your wife did a great job with the peppers...job well done for you and your wife..
What they said. Welcome back Contractor.
Those Jolokias look so dark green.
wordwiz said:

Not to sound flippant but who cares about the peppers. Okay, coming back to great looking plants is fantastic, but I'm thankful you survived the valuable contribution to our security. Thank you!


Maybe you didn't notice but I made two prior replies acknowledging his contribution with thanks and saying "glad you're back." I figured on my third reply I could compliment the photos/peppers :rolleyes:
Fantastic pix and chilies!

And of course, welcome back!
Glad your safe..that's all that really matters.


welcome back, nice looking plants; i remember the last time i went away my cat took care of my plants, but in a bad way...