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Baker's Peppers. Enough already

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Shurbryn said:
Hahahaha whoops!


but will Dale?
I'm willing to bet no...
The above picture is Evolution. 
Dale is-
tiger stripes.jpg

as in...."can't change".....
The Hot Pepper said:
You just made the loan my business. You see, before it was not my business, and I stated so, but now you've posted the terms of the loan in the Classified section of this site, and put the burden upon the members. You've also stated you consider it PAID and now the onus is on the world.
You made a mockery of the loan in your ad. Members of this site must patronize your business in order for you to pay the loan? Really Dale? This is a game to you... an opportunity... a shift of blame to the members... members you know do not want anything to do with you. You already know nobody is going to order from that ad. At the end of July, you will post that it is all the haters' fault, because they didn't take advantage of your ad. Blame the haters. They didn't buy your pods. We already know that's coming. Why the coupon code in that one ad on this site? (Rhetorical... we know it's part of your game). Why not just step up and use your actual sales? You have volume that no vendor here can even comprehend. You ship hundreds of boxes a day. YOU say this. YOU post this. So YOU can pay with YOUR July sales, not some BS ad with a coupon code on a forum where no one will buy a pod. If you do the volume you say, you can pay. It's time. Put your money where your mouth is. No more disrupting this forum with your BS, Yes, members jump in when you post, but why is it always with you? Where there's smoke, there's fire. The proof is all here if one looks.
If you don't pay Rhody in 30 days from this post, you will be banned from this site for constant disruption of this community, and yes, I can now use the loan to enforce this, because you made the terms of the loan the forum's business. YOU shifted the onus to the members in your very ad, and I am telling the members to disregard this ad, and for you to use your July sales. No, not the pseudo July sales from that ad, your REAL July sales. You've boasted how much volume you do, the $4K is only a percentage of your sales.
That's the end of this.
"I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse"
Super Hots Canada said:
What's the pepper world equivalent of that? Waking up with one side of the bed filled with your pepper plants that have been put through a wood shredder, along with a couple million aphids, and finding yourself drenched in high-potency extract and pepper oils?
Waking up with a juicer, spout aimed at your bare balls, taint, and crack, full of "chocolate reapers", and you owe the person with their finger over the start button $4k...
Also, as a side note:

If Dale hadn't been claiming all this time that he is the biggest operation, does more in sales, has the biggests fields, and bashed any customer who complained (going as far as making them pay shipping on HIS mistakes), the community may have actually taken him up on this offer.

The problem? His credibility is dead.

If all this time he had admitted he was struggling, would we have jumped him like this? No.
If he had taken responsibilities for his mistakes, would this be the same situation? No.

This is literally the equivalent of Walmart asking the government for a bailout to pay their cashiers their minimum wage salaries.

If you brag about what you don't have, don't expect the people to supply it when you need it.
And notice how he keeps up appearances on there and acts so professional-like with this post, since he knows if he acts on FB the way he does on here, he'd really be in the doghouse

Super Hots Canada said:
Just saw and screenshooted that as well... So now he's taken to labeling people as liars there, as well. *nod*
I'm just waiting for the shoe to drop here, wondering how he's going to "remedy the situation"... I can already see it's turned into a little "rah rah" session for Baker's loyalists on there.
elcap1999 said:
I just checked and saw this posted up on Baker's FB page:
HP22BH said:
"I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse"

elcap1999 said:
I'm just waiting for the shoe to drop here, wondering how he's going to "remedy the situation"... I can already see it's turned into a little "rah rah" session for Baker's loyalists on there.

The guy honestly doesn't think what he does is wrong. And guess what. He just posted a LONG excuse to the Bakers Peppers thread.
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