Beer Here

Bumpers cascade smash IPA (now in imperial) 
OG 1.056
FG 1.016
IBU 73
Colour 12.3 SRM
9.89lb pale malt ( I use marris otter)
0.85 oz special B
0.46oz Munich malt
0.8 oz columbus hops (at 60min)
4.82 oz cascade at 10 min
0.7 oz galaxy hops at 5 days.
US-05 yeast 
Mash at 153c
Boil for 60 min
Ferment at 66c
grantmichaels said:
Interesting - I didn't get that impression ...
The timeline for lagering in general is probably a good enough reason not to do it at all ...
You are looking at a best-case of months until you'll drink it, I think ...
Yeah...not doing a lager or anything like that...too complicated at this point.  I really haven't found a beer style that I do not like...there are certain beers in the different style that I do not like.  
Bumper said:
Bumpers cascade smash IPA (now in imperial) 
OG 1.056
FG 1.016
IBU 73
Colour 12.3 SRM
9.89lb pale malt ( I use marris otter)
0.85 oz special B
0.46oz Munich malt
0.8 oz columbus hops (at 60min)
4.82 oz cascade at 10 min
0.7 oz galaxy hops at 5 days.
US-05 yeast 
Mash at 153c
Boil for 60 min
Ferment at 66c
That is for 5 gallons/20litres?
tctenten said:
Yeah...not doing a lager or anything like that...too complicated at this point.  I really haven't found a beer style that I do not like...there are certain beers in the different style that I do not like.  

That is for 5 gallons/20litres?
Sorry, yes.  
Also technically not a smash, as there are small additions of other malts and another hop rather than Single Malt And Single Hop (SMASH) but at the time of brewing was emphasising a truck load of hops late in the boil
Alright let's bite this in the ass now

Wheebz Americanized adjunct lager

75% pilsner malt
10% 6 row (just for the diastatic power to break down the corn)
12% flaked corn
3% Cara pils/dextrin malt

Shoot for a 148 mash temp and hold for 75 minutes. If you can raise to 156 do so and hold for 20 minutes

This is a 75 minute vigorous boil. You want 12 ibus from your bittering addition at 75 minutes. Forfor 5 gallons add .25oz of cascade at 10, 5, and .5 ounces at flame out. Whirlpool for a minute, rest for 10, cool and transfer

Pitch and ferment at 50 degrees, and after it hits 50% attenuation let it free rise to room temp/70 degrees, and rest until it's terminal plus 3 days. Transfer to secondary, crash to 32 degrees, and let it sit for 3 weeks cold then bottle/keg.

I only use pellet hops for every beer I make except wet hopped beers. Easier to weight and manage.
wheebz said:
Alright let's bite this in the ass now

Wheebz Americanized adjunct lager

75% pilsner malt
10% 6 row (just for the diastatic power to break down the corn)
12% flaked corn
3% Cara pils/dextrin malt

Shoot for a 148 mash temp and hold for 75 minutes. If you can raise to 156 do so and hold for 20 minutes

This is a 75 minute vigorous boil. You want 12 ibus from your bittering addition at 75 minutes. Forfor 5 gallons add .25oz of cascade at 10, 5, and .5 ounces at flame out. Whirlpool for a minute, rest for 10, cool and transfer

Pitch and ferment at 50 degrees, and after it hits 50% attenuation let it free rise to room temp/70 degrees, and rest until it's terminal plus 3 days. Transfer to secondary, crash to 32 degrees, and let it sit for 3 weeks cold then bottle/keg.

I only use pellet hops for every beer I make except wet hopped beers. Easier to weight and manage.
Thanks for sharing Wheebz.  One day I will try it, but for now this is well beyond my capabilities.  
tctenten said:
Thanks for sharing Wheebz.  One day I will try it, but for now this is well beyond my capabilities.  
Are you crazy? - brew that shit!
Well, I guess the 50F would be problematic without temp-controlled cold-storage ... maybe you can use WLP090 and ferment it at ale temp ...
The way I look at American Lagers.  The CEO's of AB etc... said, "how can we make cheap beer using corn and rice to make it taste good".  The answer was lagering in very controlled temps.  The more the controlled temps and testing the cheaper the beer could be made.  That is how they wiped out the competition after prohibition with cheaper prices and drove the local breweries out of business.  We are up to the same amount of breweries now as in the late 1800's because of big corps, controlled temp American lagering, prohibition and the depression.  We were hooked because that's what our grandfathers grew up on...but they didn't have much choice due to supply and funds post depression so it became the norm.  It took Americans a long time to realize what good beer tastes like and now it is in fashion.  Problem is, it's too fashionable with big, hoppy, dark and far away from the norm beers.  The...mine has to stand out attitude.
I'm guessing Europeans brewed lagers out of necessity due to winter temps.  It was about developing yeast that could handle the lower temps and what ingredients could make a great beer.  Then it became stylish and they sought out caves to control temps and re-create the new style.  It was never about using corn and rice to make a profit.
I step down off my soapbox and say brew a simple's easy.  Simple recipes and easy temps.  Then branch out. 
Bumper said:
Bumpers cascade smash IPA (now in imperial) 
OG 1.056
FG 1.016
IBU 73
Colour 12.3 SRM
9.89lb pale malt ( I use marris otter)
0.85 oz special B
0.46oz Munich malt
0.8 oz columbus hops (at 60min)
4.82 oz cascade at 10 min
0.7 oz galaxy hops at 5 days.
US-05 yeast 
Mash at 153c
Boil for 60 min
Ferment at 66c
Looks like I am going to brew this on Sunday in a 2 gallon batch.  Strike temp for mash water 160f?  Mash for 1 hour?  When you say Galaxy hops at 5 days...I assume that is 5 days into the ferment?
Wheebz recipe will be brewed in January when it will be cooler in my basement. 
Cool ...
I'm probably going to brew a little bit on the range this weekend ...
I don't need any quantity of beer, but I have ingredients to use up and a burning desire to brew ...
tctenten said:
Looks like I am going to brew this on Sunday in a 2 gallon batch.  Strike temp for mash water 160f?  Mash for 1 hour?  When you say Galaxy hops at 5 days...I assume that is 5 days into the ferment?
Wheebz recipe will be brewed in January when it will be cooler in my basement. 
Strike at 156f it is a small grain bill and won't cool too much.  Mash for 90 if you have time, I get a better conversion with a longer mash.  and yes, galaxy hops added to the fermenter 5 days into fermentation.  Hope it goes well for you! 