Beer Here

well shit now I feel bad
should have just invited me over bud, I would have swung by

i did, lol ;)

it's all good, man ... don't sweat it.

your phone wasn't as per it's usual while you were here ...

it wouldn't accept pictures ...

the pictures were pretty self-explanatory, i though ...





and then the other four kegs in the other freezer ...

best weekend of beer in my life, lol!

even dialed in the carb on JayT's bhut stout for ya ...


and yours, too ...


haha ...

next time;)
tctenten said:
Grant are you expecting prohibition to return?  ;)  ;)
Nice stockpile!
It's the time of year when I got to grab those dark beers and try to stow them away a little bit ...
Life hurts in Florida in the summer for a stout drinker ... waiting and watching the calendar in hopes of getting more than a bottle or two of Marshall Zhukov in June ...
Shit ... that's all of the reason I homebrew ... and why I am the way I am about ... I literally have to create best-in-the-world grade beer at home, or I've failed at MY MISSION ... which is to be able to self-supply my beer so as not to be confined to a brewery's release calendar ...
To whatever end, I'm going to brew world-class beer at home, for myself ... if I have to put a handle on anything to manage everything, I eventually will ...
Oxygen, CO2, counter-pressure transfers, water chemistry, ranching to use later-generation yeast, literal barrels (little 5L whiskey) ... whatever it takes. The best beer, for life ... that's the end-game!
Ozzy2001 said:
I think there is a shop that has it. I just need to mosey on over there and grab it. Probably grab some stories while I'm there too.
What happened was that each trip to get my pair of BCBS and BCBW I bought a bunch of other shit, each day in a row for like a week ...
Ozzy2001 said:
That's messed up.
Went by that cigar shop and got the last pack of Founder's Imp.
Sweet ... probably the best of the bottled, widely distributed big stouts ...
I didn't know about it soon enough, or I'd have stocked up ...
I only got to drink one 6-pack of that one ...
Another trip to the LHBS to pick up a 3 gallon fermenter to rack into. Unfortunately they were out of 2 gallon buckets, so I got a 3 gallon carboy. I also was able to talk to one of the guys there and found out my water is fine to brew with, without adding anything to it.

Having some dinner, then off to get my daughter and finally home to relax for a few.
Bubbling has slowed down significantly, so I will rack to secondary and dry hop tonight when I get home.

Should I take a gravity reading? Or do that right before cold crashing?
tctenten said:
Bubbling has slowed down significantly, so I will rack to secondary and dry hop tonight when I get home.

Should I take a gravity reading? Or do that right before cold crashing?
KISS and clean, and just do it at the end ...