Beer Here

I have not done any fining just yet and the first beer I crashed is still bottle conditioning.  It will be interesting to see if the LHBS recommends any Irish Moss Or Whirfloc Tabs when I pick up my supplies on thursday night.  
Lol I thought you meant because I haven't cold crashed yet.

If you have a freezer that you can cold-crash in, and aren't, then you should ...

Anything that can be done, should be done IMO ...
The colder you go, the shorter it can be ... there's a really good episode of Brew Strong w/ Charlie Bamforth on that, but I digress ...
On the 3rd day of 31F, the Red-Eye started to freeze ...
Nothing should freeze at 33F and above ...
I crashed these last two at 34F because I knew I had 3x days and didn't want them to freeze at all ...
I think the other day I noticed RM was crashing something at 37F ...
Ozzy2001 said:
So do you have a deep freeze that just use to cold crash or a deep freeze with other stuff and you just make room?
The one freezer is a full-time keezer, it's been at 37F or whatever for months, has a tank and the 4x distributor block, and always has 4x kegs in it (3x 3 or 5 gal, and 1x 1.5 or 2.5 gal on the shelf) ...
The one freezer is our house's overflow, and it has hops, hop shots, and two bags of ice in it for brewing ...
The last freezer is the one I do all the shit in ...
It can also hold 3x 3's or 5's, a tank, and has room on the shelf for a 1.5 or 2.5 gallon, or more typically erlenmeyer's for blow-off's ...
That one I'll brew into at like 65-70F ...
Then I'll brew another beer into it, still keeping it there ...
Then, if I can get a 3rd into it soon enough thereafter the 1st two, I'll do a 3rd, and then when they are all done, crash the whole lot of them, and then carb them in place and use the ferm chamber as a service freezer ...
So far I've only had a three-pack wave once, and have more typically brewed two batches, and then crashed them together ...
When I brew on the big system, that's why I setup for 12 gallons ...
First, lots of recipes are for 6 gallons out there ... and multiples of 3 gallons are nice ...
So if I brew 12 gallons, I can put 4x gallons in each of 3x kegs and ferment them all w/ a drop of Fermcap-S in ea, or alternatively just put like 3-6 psi overpressure on them to keep the krausen down ...
Last week I figured out that it's worth doing my dark beers outside on the big kettle, and to do IPA's inside on the existing system ...
The sweet spot for the IPA's is not that long, so doing them a few gallons of the time, or at least staggering the dry-hoping until immediately before service anyways, is worthwhile ...
I'll have a pair of 1.5 gallon torpedo kegs this week (stackable) ... they are overpriced, but will help my flow through my equipment in a positive way ...
I'll probably brew 3 gallons of wort on the existing system, break it down into 3x little big mouth bubblers, and run 3x different IPA's off the same base wort, and move those through the system on the shelves of both keezers, using the 1.5 gallon kegs ...
The dark beers I'll brew a 12 gallon batch outside, split it into 3x 4's, and give those time and treatments and probably also try to so some bottling/"cellaring"/aging whatever ...
That's the plan, anyways ...
3 gallon base IPA batches, split into one gallon kegs, with staggered dry hopping's to keep a fresh IPA or two on tap always ...
12 gallon base stout/porter batches, split into 3 or 4, 3 or 4's, for supplying my milkshake needs ...
LOL ...
We don't have a deep freezer as of now. I have an old fridge from one of my apartments that I'm going to turn into my ferm chamber. Eventually I want to make a keezer. My wife would like a deep freeze. So we may get a medium size one and I could crash in it and we could put over flow stuff or my frozen peppers so everything in there doesn't taste like peppers lol.
Ozzy2001 said:
We don't have a deep freezer as of now. I have an old fridge from one of my apartments that I'm going to turn into my ferm chamber. Eventually I want to make a keezer. My wife would like a deep freeze. So we may get a medium size one and I could crash in it and we could put over flow stuff or my frozen peppers so everything in there doesn't taste like peppers lol.
When the time is right, will list one's at half-price at Best Buy ...
I bought all 3x, new, delivered and setup, for like $350 ...
Ozzy2001 said:
I was off by a little, it was $425 ... still though ... not too bad ...
You probably have a truck or access to them, so you don't need to get three to get free delivery ...
I ended up w/ my 3rd because it only cost like $40-50 more to have three delivered, than it cost to have two delivered, because the free delivery kicked in at $400 or more w/ Best Buy ...
Point being, watch both homebrewfinds, but also look at the fulfillment end, because sometimes there's additional promotions on that aspect - if that makes sense ...
Ozzy2001 said:
Yeah I have a truck and a dolley. So no thang for me to pick it up. There is a 7.1 cuft one at Home Depot here right now for $168. I'm pretty tempted.
I think mine are 7.1's ...
If you look back in the past weeks of homebrewfinds (since it's a blog format), you can see the prices that it hits, and the frequency ...
I think those bottom out at $149, which they hit a few times (2-3x) a year, and they'll be available often at $159 or whatever ...
I wrote a little webrobot (like track it, and it only took me like a month to nail it at the low price point ...
grantmichaels said:
Sure ... everybody! ...

Wheebz too ...

I was answering 1010, though ... waiting to use Whirfloc for God knows what reason!
Well...none of the recipes called for it...yet. Keep in mind all but one has been a kit.

I cold crashed in my spare fridge I stuck an extra thermometer in there and seemed to be at 33 or 34 when I checked. My smaller batch sizes easily fit in there.

In other faucet started leaking today...the one that I loosened to look at the threads for the filter. Well...she is a goner...pretty sure it cannot be fixed because there are a bunch of stress like cracks where the spout meets the upright part. Danielle is pretty happy that she has to go to the plumbing supply store and ask all the dumb questions for me....haha haaaaa. But at least she will be able to pick out a new faucet while she is there.
That's funny ... Sorry, Danielle! ...
re: Whirfloc ... I like the Whirfloc, but Irish Moss would be sufficient for the gallon batches are arguably easier to dispense ...
A gallon gets like 1/4 tablet of Whirfloc ...