Beer Here

I think it is karma for me having to waste my Saturday night at one of her friends birthday parties and then my Sunday at her parents house where I have to hang 3 flat screen TV's.

My avatar will perfectly describe my weekend.

If the faucet isn't replaced by Saturday....brewing should be fun using the spray nozzle to do everything.
what's getting brewed again? ...
an imperial stout, or a pliny? ...
i have to put mine in my sig line or i can't even remember my own, let alone everyone's!
Lol I use my sprayer. Our sink isn't deep and 5 gal buckets don't fit under it. I can't wait until we remodel this house. My last house had a pot filler and the faucet that was the sprayer. It would be way easier.
Picked up my supplies for a 2 gallon Pliney clone. Loaded it into beersmith, here it is.



Forgot to put in the dry hops

1/2 oz of Centennial & Simcoe
No after reading the instructions no. But I am a little unclear of when, I think they mean at the start of the boil. Does that sound right?
Ozzy2001 said:
203 IBUs?!!! Does that beer really have that high IBUs? That seems off.
I thought that was off as well.  My first time entering a recipe into beersmith.  I know different hops have different Alpha's.  I am going to make sure all the number are right.
huge bittering addition (2 oz) for 5# grain ...

something's off ...

i use like 10# base malt plus a couple more # of like Vienna, victory, biscuit, wheat or whatever to make three gal beer beers that ABV ...

I bet your Efficiency is overstated for BIAB perhaps? ...

Is your kettle efficiency too high?
grantmichaels said:
huge bittering addition (2 oz) for 5# grain ...

something's off ...

i use like 10# base malt plus a couple more # of like Vienna, victory, biscuit, wheat or whatever to make three gal beer beers that ABV ...

I bet your Efficiency is overstated for BIAB perhaps? ...

Is your kettle efficiency too high?
I do not know.  I am going to drop in the recipe I used for Bumpers beer and see.  The grains and hop…yes I know they are different..are about the same weight wise.  The efficiency is set at 72%.
Screen Shot 2016-01-07 at 10.14.51 PM.png

So I was thinking maybe the LHBS forgot to scale down the hop amounts to my 2 gallon batch size and I scaled it down and plugged it into beersmith and the IBU's were 89.  Then I decided to check the interwebz and found that Pliney clone.  That is for 6 gallons, but if you look at the stated IBU's…they are similar to what I got from my LHBS.
What do you guys think?  I am going to go back and reread what Palmer has to say about IBU's.  
grantmichaels said:
ASK WHEEBZ ...long boil ... assloads of bittering hops ... with there be any volume of liquid to drink? =)do you get 72% efficiency?
I figured this would be a Wheebz question.

Honestly....I could not tell you my efficiency. I have only done one non-kit so far and have no idea how to figure it out. I will check my numbers on Bumpers beer and see if I can get an idea. I will definitely try to figure it out on this brew. Hell, I may even take a PH reading of the mash.

I know you are probably shaking your head...and Wheebz gonna get a migraine when he reads....but baby it is baby steps for me. I will get there eventually.
big beers BIAB in my cramped system are like 55% with single-milled grains and some specialty grains (dark beers) ...

big light colored beers are about 58-60% ...

session and normal strength are above THAT, which is which my last two drifted high ...

so, that Pliny's decently large ...

change the efficiency to 60%, hit save, report the #'s back ...
grantmichaels said:
big beers BIAB in my cramped system are like 55% with single-milled grains and some specialty grains (dark beers) ...big light colored beers are about 58-60% ...session and normal strength are above THAT, which is which my last two drifted high, that Pliny's decently large ... change the efficiency to 60%, hit save, report the #'s back ...
Ok. All that did was lower my OG and it actually raised the IBUs to a whopping 273. It is quite possible that I am using Beersmith wrong.
it's a kit, tight? brew it.
no shop would sell a kit that makes terrible beer (not for very long, anyways) ... not in the tri-state or tri-city whatever ...