Beer Here

thats some good shit.  DFH 90 was my gateway.  The supposed clone I brewed that I liked better than the 90 sealed it.

Well, shit.  This Rudie is almost gone.  I guess I have to have another beer to wash down my cardboard pizza.  Totino's pizzas are truly my guilty pleasure.  I really do love them lol.
God help you if its a bottle of HIgher Math.  They really dropped the ball releasing that shit as their 20th anniversary bottle.  So shitty.
Everything cleaned and ready.


Filtered water as per GM


Have to run some errands then brewing.
I hope so.  I am having a little bit of a tough time with the amount of sparge water.  It seems like a lot but this is also the largest grain bill I have done.  The formulas I used when I did Bumpers beer worked well…so I am going to go with it.   
tctenten said:
I hope so.  I am having a little bit of a tough time with the amount of sparge water.  It seems like a lot but this is also the largest grain bill I have done.  The formulas I used when I did Bumpers beer worked well…so I am going to go with it.   
The best part, is that most all of it makes beer ...
It can turn towards session, or if it goes the other way towards imperial ... but it's going to be a Plinian-esque beer no matter how you've figured ...
Yup….all part of learning what to expect from the equipment that I am using.  I think I am going to open up one of Bumper's beer once the boil starts.   They have been in the bottles for 2 weeks and I had one bottle that was not completely full.  The rest I want to wait longer.  