Beer Here

Mash is done.


Preparing to sparge


Hope that is acceptable.


Bumper's Ipa


I like this...a lot.

I have too much water/wort. I am going to estimate it at 4.25 gallons preboil for a 2 gallon batch. Ohh well, good thing it is a 3 gallon carboy.

Gravity after mash. 1.03
So the slider on this is ...
Higher volume of session-strength IPA with light maillards  -vs-  less volume of Imperial IPA with more maillards for extended boil ...
You get to decide when to pull the trigger ...
My suggestion, keep taking gravities through the boil using the refractometer, and decide when ... because that right there, that's brewing =)
grantmichaels said:
So the slider on this is ...
Higher volume of session-strength IPA with light maillards  -vs-  less volume of Imperial IPA with more maillards for extended boil ...
You get to decide when to pull the trigger ...
My suggestion, keep taking gravities through the boil using the refractometer, and decide when ... because that right there, that's brewing =)
I will do that.  I let the mash cool before taking reading is that necessary? Can I take the reading at boiling temps?
tctenten said:
I will do that.  I let the mash cool before taking reading is that necessary? Can I take the reading at boiling temps?
i blow on the spoon a little bit ...
you can sit the bottom of the spoon on an ice cube too ...
i don't do any of that shit ... i hold it in the spoon for a second, use a small sample so it cool quickly, and roll w/ it ... figuring the temp works itself out on the plate of the R when it spread thin, and that the plastic take's some last heat of it, too ...
grantmichaels said:
i blow on the spoon a little bit ...

you can sit the bottom of the spoon on an ice cube too ...
i don't do any of that shit ... i hold it in the spoon for a second, use a small sample so it cool quickly, and roll w/ it ... figuring the temp works itself out on the plate of the R when it spread thin, and that the plastic take's some last heat of it, too ...
If it is good enough for Grant, it is good enough for me.
Smells heavenly in here right now.  

Just had to put Herm V2 to work. No Idea how this will turn out. I am using whole wheat flour for the first time.
grantmichaels said:
splash/disturb for oxygen ... pour ... last time, though ... it's siphons from there in out after ...
The siphon is sanitized and ready to go…if that is preferred.  I re sean all the numbers in beersmith to what actually happened today.  I will get everything posted after I am done.  
wort still chillin'


So I switched the info in Beersmith to match what I actually did today. Baby Piney finished up at OG 1.05.

I had 68% efficiency according to all the numbers matching up.