Beer Here

i force carbed at 30psi and it was good the next day.  You can roll it around on the ground and force carb if you can't wait a day.  Then you bleed the pressure out and set at 10-12
Ozzy2001 said:
i force carbed at 30psi and it was good the next day.  You can roll it around on the ground and force carb if you can't wait a day.  Then you bleed the pressure out and set at 10-12
I saw that on one of the videos. Pretty interesting stuff. I will watch some more over the next few days.
tctenten said:
I was just doing that. It does seem pretty straight forward. Do you guys force carbonate at a higher pressure or just let it carbonate at the lower pressure?
i do the light beers w/ force, usually 10-11 psi, and give the dark one's the lower psi for the tiny bubbles at like 8-9 psi ...

Rocketman's Mead
3lbs of honey
1 gallon water
1 orange
15 raisins
I rehydrated 1/2 pack of US-05 in 1 cup of water & 1/4 cup of yeast nutrient and let sit for 20 minutes.
In the mini bubbler the honey, water, orange and raisin were shaken until there were no visible signs of honey sticking to the bottom of the bubbler.
Gravity reading came in at 1.091
Yeast mixture was pitched and swirled the mixture a little bit.
Now we wait.




FG 1.00
ABV 11.94

Cleaning and sanitizing for the beer next
does that get priming sugar for carb-in-bottle, or is there sugar still in solution for that such that it could build pressure, or is it terminal, and will be enjoyed still, or ? ...
i've not done mead or research on mead ... about the only thing i know is to look at staggered nutrient additions if i ever do want to try some ...
BBS Chocolate Maple Porter bottled.

Og 1.08
Fg 1.02

ABV 7.9...was only supposed to be 6.5.


grantmichaels said:
does that get priming sugar for carb-in-bottle, or is there sugar still in solution for that such that it could build pressure, or is it terminal, and will be enjoyed still, or ? ...
i've not done mead or research on mead ... about the only thing i know is to look at staggered nutrient additions if i ever do want to try some ...
I bottled this still, so no priming sugar. I tasted some from the hydrometer reading and it was ok.  From what I read this is a very beginners type mead and I think I will try one a little more advanced now that I have more experience.  
US-05 instead of included yeast, the most likely reason for some "extra attenuation" perhaps ...
that beer was tasty enough that seeing a set of bottles makes me like ... i'd be happy w/ one of those right now ...
that beer, and Wheebz saison, were the two brews in sequence where i turned the corner ...
grantmichaels said:
US-05 instead of included yeast, the most likely reason for some "extra attenuation" perhaps ...
that beer was tasty enough that seeing a set of bottles makes me like ... i'd be happy w/ one of those right now ...
that beer, and Wheebz saison, were the two brews in sequence where i turned the corner ...
I used Nottingham Ale yeast for this one.   
Just hooked up the co2 to the keg and ran some water through to make sure no leaks and everything worked the way it should. I wish I could continue to drink but we maybe going to meet my parents, sister and nieces for dinner.
tctenten said:
Just hooked up the co2 to the keg and ran some water through to make sure no leaks and everything worked the way it should. I wish I could continue to drink but we maybe going to meet my parents, sister and nieces for dinner.
I'll pick up your slack ...
tctenten said:
Just hooked up the co2 to the keg and ran some water through to make sure no leaks and everything worked the way it should. I wish I could continue to drink but we maybe going to meet my parents, sister and nieces for dinner.
That's a great reason to keep drinking in my book ;)

I'm catching the end of The Blues Brothers before the games start right now with the sound of my son puking in the background lol.
Ozzy2001 said:
That's a great reason to keep drinking in my book ;)
I'm catching the end of The Blues Brothers before the games start right now with the sound of my son puking in the background lol.
Sucks when it runs through te whole family. Hope everyone feels better.