Beer Here

tctenten said:
Sucks when it runs through te whole family. Hope everyone feels better.
Thanks. I'm just hoping my bubble guts the other day were a mild version of it. I have yet to throw up yet. My 17mo old got it, then my wife, then the other 2 kids. My bg's were the same time my wife was sick.

But yes, the slow inevitable progression through the house is the worst.
Just finished watching a 4 part Kegging video on YouTube. I think I am ready to do it. The guy I watched was pretty thorough but I do have a question for GM or Ozzy or whoever stops by.

Do you guys take apart and sanitize the inside of the in/out valves on the keg?
tctenten said:
Just finished watching a 4 part Kegging video on YouTube. I think I am ready to do it. The guy I watched was pretty thorough but I do have a question for GM or Ozzy or whoever stops by.

Do you guys take apart and sanitize the inside of the in/out valves on the keg?
I have, and I haven't ...
The keg washer squirts it's PBW fountain up into the inside, and also through a liquid connection into the keg, so I'm getting good cleaning of the contact surfaces ...
A certain amount of faith is involved in the exterior of the spear and the mini-spear on the gas side, but if you think about it, liquid isn't typically touching there, except when sloshed, and you are putting beer (alcohol content, low pH) in there ...
Wheebz has described a pretty much fuck-it, whatever, homebrewing yo attitude about the sanitation of bottles and kegs for finished beer - that, or my reading comprehension sucks ...
The keg company do not want you to disassemble and reassemble the connections, in fact, some suggest never doing it ... which is equally crazy ...
Somewhere I bought keg lub, but I haven't used it ... I guess when I leak through a keg, I will? ... so far everything else has leaked CO2, except for kegs ...
My keg came with warnings that disassembly would void the warranty. Maybe for the first batch I will just sanitize and worty about taking it apart for future uses.
tctenten said:
My keg came with warnings that disassembly would void the warranty. Maybe for the first batch I will just sanitize and worty about taking it apart for future uses.
yup ... some of mine did, too ...
they aren't originally designed to be taken apart and put back together for each filling ...
i really try to keep it clean/sanitized for the first 48-72 hours after ending the boil, and then I relax a bit on the cleanliness and start focus primarily on keeping away light and oxygen the rest of the way ...
Piney the Baby will be cold crashed later and then kegged/bottled this weekend. Will be interesting to see how this one finishes as I deviated a bit from the directions.

I will then have all of my fermenting vessels empty.
Yeah ... I am about to load up the Wild in the Sacch batch into a keg for crashing/carb'ing, and that empties my fermenters too ...

Who's going to get the itch first?
Ozzy2001 said:
Next for me is the imp stout. After that it's going to be a wit.
Everything over one-gallon is going to be Imperial-strength stout's and IPA's for me, indefinitely ...
I'll know when I've found another style I like well enough to include in my full-volume rotation, but until that time, everything else will be single-gallon batches ...
tctenten said:
My keg came with warnings that disassembly would void the warranty. Maybe for the first batch I will just sanitize and worty about taking it apart for future uses.
grantmichaels said:
yup ... some of mine did, too ...
they aren't originally designed to be taken apart and put back together for each filling ...
i really try to keep it clean/sanitized for the first 48-72 hours after ending the boil, and then I relax a bit on the cleanliness and start focus primarily on keeping away light and oxygen the rest of the way ...
Mine didn't come with any warranty so the first thing I did was to put new fittings in and change out all the seals. Kegs were free and the valve fittings and seals were like $30.00. 
FreeportBum said:
. This Black sex IBA is finally just about to be put into 2ndary with the rum soaked nibs. 
That sounds good!
grantmichaels said:
Yeah ... I need to find a commercial example or I'll brew a gallon on the stove ...
FWIW, the Mulberara is close to a BPA ...
Try this from a wheebz alma mata:
The only beer I've had from Southern Tier was Creme Brulee ... and it was disturbing, reminding me in parallel to the worst flavored-coffee I've ever had ...
I intended to buy Warlock, but it was never around me ...