Beer Here

It is fine.  I will assume that it tastes nothing like it was supposed to, but I like it.  I turned more into a session type IPA.  I want to try this and Bumpers IPA back to back and see what I like better.  
grantmichaels said:
Pretty happy with it.  Easily the clearest beer I have made so far and it tastes like a mild IPA.  I only used about half the recommended hops because the IBU's were off the charts as the recipe was written.  
What is best serving pressure?
tctenten said:
What is best serving pressure?
the right one for that beer!
i find myself moving between like 6 and 12 psi depending on what's going on ...
once everything's been on gas for some time, i'm usually down around 6-7 psi for service ...
sometimes when i have new beers on gas, i'll leave them at like 12 psi for a few days after i force carb them ...
the RIGHT way to do shit is to run the beer down longer lines to control the foam, but i prefer to leave my beer a little bit overcarbonated (i guess) and compensate for the off-gasing from shooting it through 5" long picnic lines at 11 psi =)
there's math for all of it ... just haven't made it a priority yet ...

Still a little bit surreal that I just poured myself a beer from my keg. Dialing in on the CO2 rate too.