Beer Here

Haha...I fucked up baby math. Yes 3.75 gallons pre boil. Got it.

In your write up..the cacao and vanilla at whirlpool

Question 1. Whirlpool is done at end of boil?
Question 2. Since I am doing a stovetop batch and I pour my wort into my carboy, is it necesary to whirlpool (Have not used that technique yet)
I don't even think you need to beat the shit out of yourself ... just imagine a floating object being able to make it around the circumference in like a couple of seconds, and that's plenty fine enough ...
If you do it manually, there's turbulence from the irregularity of your stroke, and that blow the trub out of the cone ...
Just paddle it along the edge so it's spinning in the pot and call it a day ...
It's going towards your oxygenation of the wort, too, so it's serving a nice dual-purpose ...
because of hot side aeration
you dont want any oxygen getting in to your beer until its at pitching temperatures
when you start whirlpooling the beer, it was literally just boiling

once I get my pilot system up and running, I will take a bunch of videos of key steps that are hard to translate unless you see exactly how to do it, not by just reading it or hearing someone explain it
wheebz said:
because of hot side aeration
you dont want any oxygen getting in to your beer until its at pitching temperatures
when you start whirlpooling the beer, it was literally just boiling

once I get my pilot system up and running, I will take a bunch of videos of key steps that are hard to translate unless you see exactly how to do it, not by just reading it or hearing someone explain it
you of all people =) ...
i thought i came to understand that that probably doesn't even exist, but if it does, that it's only on macrobrewery scale - this is per Bamforth ...
it doesn't really matter though ... since we're on the same page, because slower stirring is more likely to be even, and the evenness is going to make a better cone ...
i've been going along w/ the theory that  hot side aeration isn't a factor here, though ...
ps - i feel like this is a bait & switch to get me to say there's no hot side aeration though, so i'm ready ...
no, hotside aeration during the mash is non existant, because it gets boiled out
hotside aeration post boil is a very real thing, which is why you aerate your beer AFTER the heat exchanger, or in the fermenter/keg like you do, and not in the boil kettle

Tomorrow... Picking up the last ingredient.
grantmichaels said:
I didn't say because I think I recall incorrectly ...
I think we decided we were pitching the split bean and cacao at flame-out ...
Yes. So just split it open and toss in?

Ozzy2001 said:
I split mine open and scraped the inside into my extract jar with the beanOh that's right. That one goes in the boil.
So I will split it.