Beer Here

There is something not quite right with the taste.   I really cannot pinpoint one thing.  No question that it is beer, but not sure if it was user error or just that I am not crazy about it.  The stout I am concerned about because of the complete lack of any fermentation signs.  The last wheat beer I think is going to be my best so far.  Plenty of bubbling in the blow off jar and I was able to keep my temps during mashing pretty stable.  
tctenten said:
There is something not quite right with the taste.   I really cannot pinpoint one thing.  No question that it is beer, but not sure if it was user error or just that I am not crazy about it.  The stout I am concerned about because of the complete lack of any fermentation signs.  The last wheat beer I think is going to be my best so far.  Plenty of bubbling in the blow off jar and I was able to keep my temps during mashing pretty stable.  
It's just how the stouts go ... it's probably fine ...
The lighter color beers have loads of disastatic power and alpha amylase, and almost none of the counter-ferm things ... crystal, roasted, toasted whatever ...
Ozzy2001 said:
I need to figure out what's not good in my dark chocolate stout. It has an after taste that is unpleasant.
like? ...
I've noticed an non-taste aftertaste that I've decided comes from underpitching ...
It doesn't have a flavor perse, but is kind of like the taste of stillness that something gets if it's been in the fridge too long ...
I'm drinking one now.

I figured it has a metallic aftertaste. My wife agrees. This was the first batch I did after cleaning all the oil off of my aluminum turkey pot. I did boil water in it prior to brewing to try to oxsidise it. However, I must not have done it long enough. The beer smells great....and up front it taste good. But once it goes down...your left with a faint "penny in your mouth" taste.
Ozzy2001 said:
I'm drinking one now.

I figured it has a metallic aftertaste. My wife agrees. This was the first batch I did after cleaning all the oil off of my aluminum turkey pot. I did boil water in it prior to brewing to try to oxsidise it. However, I must not have done it long enough. The beer smells great....and up front it taste good. But once it goes down...your left with a faint "penny in your mouth" taste.
Interesting ... I've tasted that in commercial stout before ...

Not 100 percent true about dark beers.

Multiple step mashes brah!

For stouts there are usually a couple options.

a beef jersey taste or soy sauce. Most likely autolysis. Happens in a lot of stouts. Because of what grant said. Yeast shut out because their isn't a good fermentable wort.

If it's not that you could have acidic taste because of water quality and starting pH. Darker malts produce a lower mash pH.

Other options would be like a metallic taste. Had that in darker beers because of the spare Temps I used.
wheebz said:

Not 100 percent true about dark beers.

Multiple step mashes brah!
I know I've been liking these last couple of batches that I step-mashed ...
I feel like I've brewed my best batch of beer on your recipe, so I'll be really curious to see if that's true when I send you a couple of bottles ...
One thing's certain - these last two batches are the best of them all, for sure ...

Bottled the Oatmeal Stout and the Summer Wheat today.  Here are my final numbers using the calculators on Beersmith.  
Oatmeal Stout
OG  1.058
FG   1.014
Attenuation  74.8%
ABV  5.8%…it was supposed to be 4.5%
Summer Wheat
OG   1.051
FG    1.012
Attenuation  75.6%
ABV  5.1%…it was supposed to be 5%
The water proof labels that the Boss recommended in another thread are great.  Ivwill be using them on my hot sauce bottles as well.
:cheers:  :cheers:
RocketMan said:
Hold it, what, water proof labels?
Where did you pick those up? I got the matte ones. I was pretty happy with them, although I did not test out the waterproof part just yet.
I got 17 bottles out of the 2 gallons that I bottled yesterday.  I have one more kit to brew then I am looking forward to trying my first non kit brew.  I thought the stout and the wheat tasted pretty good.   :beer:
Label look good.  Nice and fall'ish with no skulls.  I use painters tape and a  I have not had much success bottling from the keg.  Too much foam....but I keep trying to dial it down.  What are you brewing next?
Happy T-Day to you and your family!
Thanks Jim.  Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. 
I have one more kit to get through then I will be doing a 2.5 gallon batch of an undetermined recipe.  I have been looking a different recipes both here and on the net.  I think I want to start with something very "plain" tasting.  Then I want to add different grains and hops to see what I like.  The kits have been great to get the process down, but I have no idea what ingredients I am using.