Going macro tonight since I didn't have time to beer hunt after work. Picked up the Michelob mix pack (honey lager, amberbock, original lager, and marzen). I usually like Michelob beer so it's alright with me.

Sam Adams black lager is tasty!
Had a St. Peter's Cream Stout last night. Absolutely a weird beer, but I really like it. Can't put my fingers on any taste except maybe raisin in it. Anyone else had that one?
This afternoon a very tasty brew. BrewDog Ltd, Tokio.

Imperial Stout
ABV: 18.2%

11.2 oz.
Batch: 3
Best Before: 16/02/20

Poured into a chalice a thick black color, some carbonation, nice little fizzy tan head, which leaves minimal sticky lacing behind, with a few small islands. The nose is malty, with lots of chocolate, toffee, figs, raisins, plums, jasmine, cranberries, nice oak note. The taste is malty, with some hops, lots of dark stuff. Full body, this one is kinda hot, but very tasty and very drinkable, very complex brew. For being this high in ABV, it's hidden pretty well. Very Drinkable, I like this one, hit's the spot. Thanks Chris. :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:


Cleaning out the fridge of the many beers I've accumulated over the past few months. Keep drinking 4-5 of each six pack before moving on to the next!

I've decided I must clear these out before I allow myself another beer purchase. Time to get hammered...
went and picked up some bottles today, which i almost never do because i get everything I want delivered to my restaurant

2 bottles of 2008 World Wide Stout, 2 Sam Adams Latitude 48 (which werent too bad, but a very generic IPA), a Great Divide Samurai, and this baby

I had six beers tonight at Wheebz' bar. All of them good, but I think my favorite of them all was Weyerbacher's Insanity, which I believe is a barleywine.
Had a Thirsty Dog Siberian Night imperial stout tonight. Excellent brew.

Now on to the Rogue Chipotle Ale! My first chipotle beer ever.