Tonight a nice brew.
Central City Brewing
Red Racer Pale Ale
ABV: 5%
Pours a nice dark golden yellow color, nice carbonation, nice creamy one-finger off-white head, with some nice sticky lacing left behind. The nose is malty, with some hop note, very slight citrus. The taste is malty, with some hop notes, and some citrus. Medium body. Drinkable, not a bad APA at all, worth a shot.
Central City Brewing
Red Racer Pale Ale
ABV: 5%
Pours a nice dark golden yellow color, nice carbonation, nice creamy one-finger off-white head, with some nice sticky lacing left behind. The nose is malty, with some hop note, very slight citrus. The taste is malty, with some hop notes, and some citrus. Medium body. Drinkable, not a bad APA at all, worth a shot.
