
Uinta Anniversary Barley Wine
ABV: 10.4%

Revisted: XV 2008 Vintage
Bottled on: 12/16/08
Enjoyed: Today

Poured into a chalice a nice dark brown color, nice carbonation, Very nice little fizzy white head, which leaves some nice sticky lacing behind, and a HUGE oil slick in the middle of the chalice. Scents of malts, hops, some spices, and caramel. The taste is sweet and malty with a nice hop/caramel bite in the finish. Medium body, warms the body nicely. Very drinkable, again this brew is delicioius, a very nice barleywine. :beer:

I just tapped the weyerbacher imperial pumpkin at my restaurant

Current tap setup

Imp Pumpkin, Ramstein Platinum Blonde, Long Trail Harvest, Dogfish Head World Wide Stout, Founders Dirty Bastard, Warsteiner Dunkel, Seadog Bluepaw

Just got my hands on a case of Bitches Brew and Namaste as well from Dogfish Head

Uinta Anniversary Barley Wine
ABV: 10.4%

Revisted: XV 2008 Vintage
Bottled on: 12/16/08
Enjoyed: Today

Poured into a chalice a nice dark brown color, nice carbonation, Very nice little fizzy white head, which leaves some nice sticky lacing behind, and a HUGE oil slick in the middle of the chalice. Scents of malts, hops, some spices, and caramel. The taste is sweet and malty with a nice hop/caramel bite in the finish. Medium body, warms the body nicely. Very drinkable, again this brew is delicioius, a very nice barleywine. :beer:

Hey Wasatch, update me plz. Long ago I used to ski in Utah every winter and all the beer there was very low alcohol content, expensive, hard to find, and VERY restricted. Have things changed? Does Utah now allow the sale of normal beer like most of the country now?
I've been here since Oct 99, and the State Liquour Stores were selling brew's bottled over 4% ABV. Every where else in the state has to be 4% ABV at or below. Now the brewpubs can sell their own bottled brews over 4% ABV, if they have the right license. On-tap brews can only be at 4% ABV in all bars/brewpubs. :beer:

Last night I had Bell's 25th Anniversary Ale. A very good strong ale, but very similar to Dead Guy Ale in many respects. A great brew no doubt, but I just feel like I could have had 3x as many Dead Guy Ales (or Arrogant Bastards) for the same price.
This afternoon, a tasty brew.

Cisco Brewers Inc.
Monomoy Kriek
American Wild Ale
ABV: 6.7%

750ml Bottle

Poured into a chalice a nice purpleish/grape color, very nice carbonation, little fizzy off-white head, some sticky lacing left behind. The nose is malty, tangy, cherries, and some oak. The taste is malty, very slight sweetness, tangy, nice touch of cherries, with some oak notes. Medium body. Drinkable, a tasty brew, but can be overwhelming. :beer:

I'm probably going to have a Bitches Brew tonight as well.

Got a 6 pack of Oaked Arrogant Bastard too -- for about the same price as the 25th anniversary Bell's.