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contest Begin! African Throwdown

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MGOLD86's Oxtail Potjie with Ethiopian Quinoa and Chapati



Potjie (African-Style Stew):

3-4 Lbs of Oxtails
10 slices of bacon
Beef Stock
Red Wine
Salt and Pepper
Cardamom powder
Carroway Seed


Season Oxtails and dip in flour. Fry bacon in large dutch oven, remove, and brown the oxtails. Pull the oxtails out and add your mirepoix and saute until translucent. Add your wine (about a cup) and deglaze the pan. Add the stock and oxtails back, season, and let simmer on low for about 4 or 5 hours or until the meat is fall apart tender. When the meat is done, put the whole pot in the fridge overnight and let the fat solidify on the top. Scrape the fat off and bring the stew back up to a simmer. Remove the oxtails and strain the veggies through a mesh sieve. You should have a clear broth. Chop up some more veggies (this time about 1 inch long) and roast in an oven at 350 for about 30 minutes. Make sure you season them liberally with oil and the cardamom, carroway, and cumin. This is what will give you a big robust african flavor. While they roast, shred the meat and add it back to the broth. When the veggies are done, add them back in and then it is time to thicken. Use cream if you have it, or use a cornstarch slurry (a couple tbsps of cornstarch and water mixed together added to the pot). Keep warm until it thickens.

Ethiopian Quinoa:

Carroway Seeds
Salt and pepper


Cook according to the pkg, but add the spices when it is just about done.

Chapati (flatbread):

2 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp oil
warm water as needed


Mix ingredients together until there is a thick dough. Allow to sit for about 30 mins to stay at room temp. Rip little pieces off of the dough and fry in a CI skillet until done. Keep in oven while cooking the rest.
You people are freakin' AMAZING!!!! These dishes are truly outtasight! (blame the funk for that one) And the hits keep comin'!!!!!!!!!! Congrats to the current entries - and good luck to the next ones! This TD will be noted in the history books fo' sho!!!!!
Matt. You sold me with the 10 slices of Bacon. Noticed how I capitalized bacon. You got my vote. Great work compadre! :cheers:
OK THAT ONE made my mouth water.

Gold, you bastard, you may have done it sir!
Thanks everyone for the comments, and CJ, funny you should say that.....we are currently in the hospital (hence the rushed entry instructions). False alarm, lol. She thought labor, but I guess I am such a damn good cook it made my future son do the LMFAO shuffle.

Well, about to head back home, looks like I got another night of drinkin and a bunch of leftovers. Maybe tomorrow I will give her three servings and we won't have to waste a trip...

I swear, I am NOT LMAO right now! I swear it!!!!!! March 4th sounds like a perfectly wonderful day to be born! After brekky, of course.....(best of luck to both of you!!!!!)
MG if he was born today you would've been mad... today is our 10th anniversary.... Hahaha!!!

We are cooking after the kids are asleep.... until then........ ugvhyfdcnkhfc nklhfdcv jhfscbkkjvcgbnl
LOL I just went back and looked at SL's final pic again.
She ANGRY GARNISHED the dish!!!!
You can tell she took a handful of cilantro and threw it AT her plate, probably while saying, "screw those guys!"
No more angry garnishing, SL,

FD4, you totally nailed that sentiment!

you just cant make it look good regardless of what you do, even if it tastes phenomenal

Really, wheebz?

SL post your Pol or I may send my goats over to your back yard. :D

How many goats do you have, Ela? 5? I have just the pot! ;)

JUST KIDDING!!!! I really could use those goats for vegetation control in the summer~

GREAT entries coming in, it's sweet to see the effort people are putting in.
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