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contest BEGIN! Brekkie Sammie Throwdown

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Hah! Too clever boss! Actually I've never even noticed that it's said that - it's for making ebelskivers, as also noted on the pan. One of my favorite breakfast dishes. Pancake balls is pretty accurate except they are light and fluffy. My challenge to myself was to find a way to make these fit into a sandwich. I was pretty happy with the result

I present to you:

Badger's Calorific Ebleskandwich! (aka PANCAKEBALLWICH)

3 eggs, separate - beat whites till stiff - set aside. Egg yolks mix with 1tsp baking powder, 1tsp baking soda, 1/2 tsp salt, 2 Tbsp sugar, 2 cups flour, and 2 cups buttermilk. When blended, fold in egg whites. Cook to perfection. In case anyone attempts this, the best way to turn the ebelskivers in the pan is to use a skewer (my grandma used a knitting needle).

Cinnamon Cream Syrup

1 c sugar
1/2 c light corn syrup
1/4 c water
3/4 tsp cinnamon
Bring to a boil over medium heat, boil and stir 2 minutes. Cool 5 minutes
Stir in 1/2 cup cream or evaporated milk

If you try anything from this post, I highly highly recommend this syrup. I'm normally a maple syrup guy. Berry syrups are good sometimes, but usually maple syrup is the best. Until I met this syrup. AMAZING

Waffles: standard bisquick waffles w/ brainstrains mixed in the batter
Bacon with JaG's cherry smoked yellow scorpion powder



If I'm not mistaken... the Greeks invented Huevosios Muffinistis to fuel their troops before battle.

The Roman Empire, after conquering the Greeks, assimilated this portable meal into their rank and file as a staple.

Legend has it that the 300 Spartans carried Huevosios Muffinistis in fanny packs [Packis Fannizia] into battle with the Persians.

True Story.
Very nice badger!

Right now, if everybody posts who's threatened to post, we'll have 13 entries.... pretty cool for the holiday season.

Grilled brioche.
Brioche: 400 g bakers flour, 5 g yeast, 5 g salt, 90 ml warm milk, 2 tbs sugar, 100 g softened butter, 4 free range eggs. Mix to form a dough, proof. Knock back and rest in fridge over night. Shape into whatever you want, proof and brush with milk/egg glaze. Bake at 180 celcius 15 minutes or until done.

Smoked bacon caramelised in the maple syrup/chilli/butter sauce

Two perfectly cooked poached eggs

Shaved gruyere

Chilli, maple syrup and butter sauce: Gently fry 2-3 finely chopped chillies in 2 tbs butter. As soon as the butter starts to change to light brown, add 4 tbs maple syrup and a pinch of salt, remove from heat and stir until cool. Thin with milk to reach a coating consistency.
Aussies are in the the house! Keep it coming!
More prep pics

Boiling the bagels

Out of the water

In and out of the oven

Maple Chili Glaze

Banana Cream

Sliced bagel, banana cream top and bottom

Crispy bacon in the guts

Final pics in the morning
Wow!!! Oz coming in late and blowing the barn door off! Geeme, awesome as usual. Scovie, holy crap. Oh and I got that jab about the hamburger patty smasher ya bastige.
Awesome entries. My foot feels like it has a knife between a couple of bones, and now I'm sick on top of that.

But I am entering.

If I can convince myself to get myself's ass.


Miami's demographic apparently doesn't support Bear Claws.

I'm gonna haf ta gaffle 'em.

Two ingreeds missing from the pic are sugar and green onion.
Your neighborhood Beer/Submarine sandwich store don't have no Bear Claws in a plastic case?

What's next... No more Hot Nachos with a cheese squirt, chili and Jap wheels?
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