contest BEGIN! Burger Royale Round 1 - Beef

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Seth, you've mastered the artistic pic. Not a fan of romaine or raw onion but the pics are fantastic.
The burger was good too boss. I was fresh out of banana leaves so my chances are slim... I'm amazed at the level of participation and excellence so far. Can't wait to see how many people pull through for all 3 TDs.
Thanks for the well wishes. She should be fine. She chose to marry me...which lends evidence to the idea that she is hard headed anyhow.

I think we're green-light for tomorrow...but even if not, I have a mushroom-barley burger idea I want to try. And non-beef...I'm all over that. There was a dead squirrel in one of the horses' water troughs.
We be rockin.

We are in the DEN. SoFlo has SkunkWorks. WE ARE IN THE WOLF'S DEN.


You have never known a more awesomenessesessesss.

That's it.

Forgot the chilli in the above post, but there is 6 dried and ground birds eye chillies in the dry rub below. I formed the patties in a pastry round cutter for the awesomenessess...s.


Caramelised onions, slow cooked in butter for around 40 minutes. This is the base, with chicken stock to make the caramelised onion gravy.


How cool is is this! This formed the base layer of the burger to help prevent too much juice soaking into the bun.


To continue...

First pattie on the grill.

Two big 'ol patties with cheese.


Beer battered fries up next.


Caramelised onion gravy on top.

nice,looks awesome! lots of great burgers going on,cant wait to see the rest..

Sic...I'll bet that tasted so damn good.
Like a burger French dip!

I'll have a shot of your vodka tonight in honor of that burger!

And when the mrs does her donut masterpiece, which everyone is looking forward to, I'll do some tequila.

Well played bro!

By the way, people have been wondering about bear.
He's been away. Check the link.

No doubt the drug paraphernalia and liquor bottles were his. That guy!
i know exactly what bear,that guy,has been up to. he been running around naked chewing peoples faces off!
DTS's Double Boif Boiger

BUNS: Good ol' regular buns, soaked in butter from the caramelised onions and grilled.

BACON: Woven bacon base. Lightly frozen to keep the shape then onto a very hot pizza stone under the grill/broiler until coloured. Onto the bottom bun.

PATTIES: Two 80/20 beef mince patties, dry rubbed with Fiddes Payne Steakhouse seasoning and 6 dried and crushed birds eye chilli.
Straight onto a very hot CI grill to get the char then transfered to steam in chicken stock and domed. Remove the dome, put on the cheese and dome for 30 seconds.
Rested for 5 minutes then onto the burger base.

BEER BATTERED FRIES: Oven cooked till crunchy.

CARAMELISED ONION GRAVY: 1 onion and 50g butter get happy for 40 minutes to caramelise the sugars. Deglazed with 1 cup chicken stock and left to reduce. Very lightly thickened with flour and cooked till it was thick and coated the back of a spoon. Then it coated the fries.

Very messy and juicy burger to eat. I had juice running down my arms, smeared all over my face and the walls of the kitchen. Great beef flavour from the cooking technique and flavours and the sweetness of the gravy set it all off. I'd cook this again in a heartbeat. Which might not last long if I keep eating these. lolz.


And there you go.

Without any further Ado.........

(possibly the last breakfast you'll ever enjoy)


1 Patty of Hamburger/Spicy ground Sausage (2+ lbs of Burger to 2 oz of Sausage for this competition)
Dash of Sea Salt and pepper in meat mix
2 oz of Applewood smoked Ham
2 strips of bacon (coated with flour and fried crisp)
slice of Fontina Cheese
slices of Smoked Gouda
1 fried egg
2 Krispy Kreme Donuts
Dribbles of Habanero Honey (2 tbsp honey to 1/4 tsp of habanero powder)

Build the Burger:

One Donut as base
about 1/2 tbsp Hab Honey
Smoked Gouda
1 egg
Smoked Gouda
Burger Patty
Fontina Cheese
one Donut topper
Tsp of Hab Honey in the Hole

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