contest BEGIN! Burger Royale Round 1 - Beef

Not open for further replies. nailed that one. Fries and onion gravy, the bacon base. Awesome!

Lady sic, I think that's my favorite so far. So outside the box.

What u got sum?
My fav's thus far.



Lady Sic

House was too warm last night.

I rolled and I tumbled all night long.

Gotta' coffee up to kick out the jams and then will be posting my mayhem and mojo.

The Burger

One Brain Strain (thanks Romy6!)

One Barrackpore (thanks Romy6!)

One pound of ground sirloin (never frozen) 85/15

6 Crispy pieces of bacon

6 oz of 1/4" cubed Vermont Sharp White Cheddar

Salt, pepper, 3 cloves of garlic, Pepper Guru pepper flakes (thanks PG!)

Bacon grease

Blend garlic, bacon, brain strain, and barrackpore in the mini chopper. Dump in bowl with beef and cheese. Mix together and form patties. Refrigerate for one hour.

Fire up the CHARCOAL grill (the Weber big green egg), put the burgers on and brush with bacon grease. Control the fire with a handheld spray bottle. Flip after five minutes and repeat. Once another five minutes have passed use more bacon grease on the burger to get a flame char. Done and bun.


2 slices crispy bacon

Sliced red onion

Sliced tomato

Sliced Jalapeno

Fresh Romaine

RedHawk Fiery Pineapple Spread (perfect complement to the spice of the burger)

One onion bun, dipped in burger blood and toasted on a grill pan.

I shall be applewood smoking a Turtle Burger . It will be with Nathans Beef Franks wrapped in a basket Bacon woven with care. OHH the obvious Burger is 93/7 Pics to follow...
93/7, it's fail already. That poor dry thing. Better put some fat in there for votes now!
Got going on my burger a little late last night, but you can't rush perfection.

Started off with a little maple sausage in the CI skillet.


Then poured some flour into the mix to get jiggy with all the fat, and some milk to get that gravy going.


Of course I cooked up some bacon in the CI after transfering the sausage gravy to a pot. I cooked the bacon down till it was "flimsical." That's right, flimsy, yet whimsical, so I could bend it easily before its second cook.


Yep, cracked an egg into it and topped it with some colby/jack cheese. Then tossed it in the oven for a bit.


Top this thing with a good healthy dose of Marie Sharps habanero sauce.


That's right a bacon wrapped egg slider with sausage gravy.


It looks friggin' HUGE until you smash it down and pop that egg, like so...


But it was delicious. Good thing I have enough ingredients to make several more of these.

Oh snap musky is in? Dayum y'all in tubble.
a beer ? that sounds good i think i shall have one also,thanks musky.

that looks awesome sum,but where is the beef? i think u screwed yourself
Am I reading this correctly? Did Sum just screw himself with a pork sausage burger in a beef comp?


Or.... WTF?
As I'm unlikely to be able to contribute today (dammit) I'll just say y'all are making some amazing burgers!! Kat's the clear winner so far with the black & blue - its got it all...looks delicious, juicy, cooked perfectly, loads of savory ingredients. Awesome.

I'm still gonna try, but it's going to be difficult to pull it off. Sigh

Ps - nice sausage burger sum!
Hopefully! Looks like a brioche roll too. Hmm could be win. We'll see.
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