contest BEGIN! Burger Royale Round 2 - Veggie

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One comment, and all ball-busting/jokes aside. THP mentioned on this topic's rules that we're to be judged by the burger.

Yet in the other topic I thought he said something about acknowledging the effort of folks' home-made buns. And here it appears we have yet more home-made buns in our 1st entry.

So is this a bun bake-off or a burger throw-down? Because I'm a crappy, crappy baker, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. :dance:

Just wondering how heavily the bun weighs in on the voting influence.
One comment, and all ball-busting/jokes aside. THP mentioned on this topic's rules that we're to be judged by the burger.

Yet in the other topic I thought he said something about acknowledging the effort of folks' home-made buns. And here it appears we have yet more home-made buns in our 1st entry.

So is this a bun bake-off or a burger throw-down? Because I'm a crappy, crappy baker, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. :dance:

Just wondering how heavily the bun weighs in on the voting influence.

The more homemade the better, not just buns. Some people ground their own meat. Some made buns. Etc. Look at the poll for research on how votes are affected.

But it's all about flavor. Killer flavor can take down a homemade bun in a heartbeat. Flavor + all homemade = WIN.
im eating chicken,with 7 eggs,,,7 cayene peppers,,and some b3 sauce mixed with lots of garlic!!!! i need to get warmed up for my veggie entry! al the rain i have had this last week has made me open to making a dish. if it rains tomorrow im in,,,fo sure!!!!!!!!! but i have to say i have been trying to mow for 3 days and ive only got like 4 acres done :tear: long live the beef!,,,,,,or in this case the beans?
im eating beer,with 7 shots,,,7 more beers,,and some more beer mixed with lots of beer!!!! i need to get warmed up for my veggie entry! al the rain i have had this last week has made me open to making a dish. if it rains tomorrow im in,,,fo sure!!!!!!!!! but i have to say i have been drinking for 3 days and ive only got like 4 % of my liver left! :tear: long live the beer!,,,,,,or in this case the beer?
Alright folks just a little prep porn.


Broccoli Cheese Habanero Buns

Spicy Tomato Chutney

Baked Buns
im eating beer,with 7 shots,,,7 more beers,,and some more beer mixed with lots of beer!!!! i need to get warmed up for my veggie entry! al the rain i have had this last week has made me open to making a dish. if it rains tomorrow im in,,,fo sure!!!!!!!!! but i have to say i have been drinking for 3 days and ive only got like 4 % of my liver left! :tear: long live the beer!,,,,,,or in this case the beer?




Key - Excellent job! And that patty looks super moist! Yeah! be honest wit' did it taste?!!!! The apple and banana bits in the patty are throwing me....but I admit it - I'm definitely curious! Could you taste the sweetness, or was it more of a texture thang? A+ for colors! :D Yeah!!!!!

"hey you all, did you see my terriaki burger?"

"it had marinated pineapple!"

"I might have to do that AGAIN for this one!"

"no REALLY! IT WAS SO FRIGGEN AWESOME! Didn't you all see it?"

SumofmyBits wrote: Nice! Key is in... with some interesting ingredients. What are we looking at all chopped up on that plate?

Key: If you are referring to the burger patty itself-potato, zucchini, red kidney bean, apple, banana, carrot, and white habanero I believe. I seasoned it when it was in the skillet with salt, pepper, garlic, ground red pepper, and a costco-ish spice blend.

If you are referring to the assembled burger-roasted red bell peppers, burger, coleslaw, bun

If you are referring to the coleslaw-green cabbage, red cabbage, onion, carrot, salt, ground black pepper, sugar, mustard, mayonnaise, and sour cream.

Lucky Dog Hot Sauce wrote: Top-down ingredients shots don't really help - what is in that big white tub? and the spice jars next to the oil?

Key: The big white tub is low fat milk. The spice jars above the ground red pepper is garlic. The squarish-jar next to the oil is a black tellicherry pepper grinder. One the immediate right of the pepper grinder is a shaker of salt. And the green capped jar is a Costo-ish spice blend. And the yellow round jar is mustard. Oh, and the other two big square tubs are sugar and flour.

Chile Juju wrote: be honest wit' did it taste?!!!! The apple and banana bits in the patty are throwing me....but I admit it - I'm definitely curious! Could you taste the sweetness, or was it more of a texture thang? A+ for colors! Yeah!!!!!

Key: It tasted alright to me (for what it's worth.) More like potato so I am told. I asked a family member of mine, and that’s what they said. I think that was probably because the patty had more potato as a component than probably anything else. Maybe if I had used more of the fruit or other things it might have tasted a bit more surprising. But the banana actually may have helped not for its flavor, but for its mushiness (not completely sure on that point-hopefully it did.) I admit, I had at least one failed attempt at cooking this burger on the grill. It would seem that, were I to make veggie burgers in the future, I would need to find a way to make the burger stick together better. I ended up using the skillet method because I knew that it was a bit safer. Still got tricky, but with a cookie cutter and a spatula or two I managed to get there in the end.

Oh, and the apple may have been extraneous, in retrospect. lol. But it is in there.
Wow Key - you get bonus points for being honest AND thorough!!!!! Kudos for the kahunas to challenge yourself! And scratch-buns too?! More bonus points!!!!! :dance:

Dawg - You sure got some pretty buns too!!!!! :) One question (so far)...that broc in those buns....raw, or steamed first? Nevaminds...they sure are perty! You, my friend, are off to a great start!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Next..... :D
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